Stop Using GTP in Beginner Mode

Stop Using GTP in Beginner Mode

#CHATGPT and other similar tools have transformed the way we create and manage our content, solve complex problems, and even enhance our creativity for a better output. However, the adaptation of these amazing tools is still at a nascent stage.

Use these ChatGPT prompts to master mental models and make better business decisions.

  1. Blue Ocean Strategy Prompt: "Apply the blue ocean strategy to evaluate [my business decision]. Focus on creating uncontested market space rather than competing in existing industries."
  2. Scenario Planning Prompt: "Apply Scenario Planning to assess [my business decision]. Create different future scenarios and analyze how the decision performs in each to identify potential risks and opportunities."
  3. The OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) Prompt: "Use the OODA loop to evaluate [my business decision]. Cycle through observing the situation, orienting yourself, making a decision, and taking action, then repeating as necessary."
  4. Pre-Mortem Analysis Prompt: "Utilize Pre-Mortem Analysis to assess [my business decision]. Imagine a future failure of the decision and work backward to identify potential causes and mitigation strategies."
  5. Risk-Reward Analysis Prompt: "Analyze [my business decision] through risk-reward analysis. Evaluate the potential risk against the potential rewards to understand the balance and make an informed decision."
  6. Cross-Functional Perspective Prompt: "Evaluate [my business decision] with a cross-functional perspective. involve multiple departments or teams to ensure a comprehensive understanding of how the decision affects various aspects of the business."
  7. Temporal Discounting Prompt: "Use temporal discounting to analyze [my business decision]. Consider how the value of outcomes changes over time and how that might influence the decision-making process."
  8. Resource-Based View Prompt: "Apply the resource-based view to evaluate [my business decision]. Focus on leveraging the company's internal strengths and weaknesses in relation to external opportunities and threats."

I will be sharing 8 more prompts in my next article. please follow this newsletter to continue getting such insights.

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