Stop Trying to Solve Symptoms – Be in Pursuit of the Root

Stop Trying to Solve Symptoms – Be in Pursuit of the Root

Do you feel frustrated because the same patterns keep recurring?


That’s because you’re attempting to solve a symptom not the problem.


When you do this, it’s analogous to putting a bandaid on the issue. Get it wet with the slightest bit of adversity and you’re back to square one.



When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.

Anthony J. D’Angelo



What’s The Difference Between a Symptom and a Problem


Symptoms and problems are like chips and salsa. They go together but are completely different.


Symptoms are indicative a problem exists. It tends to be obvious and cannot be solved.


Problems are the root cause and need to be solved in order to eliminate the symptoms.


Think of an iceberg. On the surface, it can look ominous but is completely visible. Below the surface, the iceberg is not visible and can run quite deep. If you remove the tip of the iceberg, it will eventually grow back and resurface.


Are you feeling a bit confused? You’re not alone. Even some top leaders of Fortune 500 companies cannot differentiate between the two.


Grab some chips and salsa and keep reading.



Let’s Play a Game


Put the label Symptoms or Problems on the top of each column and win…CLARITY





Did you figure it out?


ANSWER - The left column contains symptoms while the right contains problems.



Now that you know the difference it should be easy to resolve right?


Somewhat but the problems aren’t always easy to discover.



The power is in the question. You can’t solve a problem until you ask the right question.



Be in Pursuit of the Root


If you want to drill down you need to do a root cause analysis.


Put on your toddler hat and ask WHY 5x.


Each question builds on the preceding one.


By the time you have responded to Why 5, you’ve addressed the issues and have discovered the root cause.



High Attrition Example Using the 5 Whys




Congratulations…Now Take Action


Now that you have identified the root cause, the actual problem needs to be resolved through targeted action steps.



Contact Juliet Herman to get to the root cause & SOLVE THE PROBLEM!





Image Source – Clipart LIbrary


About The Author

Juliet Herman is a global game-changer transforming leaders and teams to high performing as an Intuitive Growth Strategist. She leverages uniqueness to create competitive advantages with her proprietary 3EEEs strategy: Embrace + Engage = Evolve. She’s revolutionized clients ranging from pioneering innovators to Fortune 100 companies with her philosophy - Don’t Fit In, FIT OUT.
