Stop Trying So Hard
Even in this very moment, I find myself trying to force the words to come.
Get up, walk out of the room, and get a glass of water.
It's like getting stuck in quicksand and trying to frantically swim out. That just makes you sink faster. The real solution is to lean back and relax and you'll float to the surface.
I've encountered this problem several times today. I keep catching myself saying you're trying too hard, stop it! The easiest things to manifest are those we're indifferent about.
You think to yourself, it would be nice if...then you forget about it and go on with your day only to find that very thought manifests in your life later that day. You may have even missed it but you had to do a double take to catch it.
I was recently talking about my perfectionism and how it's holding me back. I can see the correlation here. I get so obsessed over solving the problem - I try to force the solution but it will never be good enough. Done is better and many of you agreed : )
When we stop trying so hard, everything gets easier.
When we force the situation, we get frustrated and that frustration only brings more of it. That's the law of attraction.
We don't have to try so hard if we simply believe and trust. The law of assumption states that what you believe to be true about yourself and your life, even if not physically evident, will ultimately shape your reality.
For good or bad, whether we realize it or not, these natural laws are always in motion. We don't need to try so hard because if we understand these principles we can use them to our advantage.
The small fighter uses the weight of his opponent to his advantage. It's a lot harder to force water to flow uphill than it is to walk to the bottom to collect it.
I'd remind myself one more time to stop trying so hard but at this point, that may defeat the purpose...
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