Stop Thinking What You Don't Want!
Please! Stop saying things like times are tough. Everything has stopped. Business is bad. I'm worried about my future. Opportunities are scarce. No one is making money.
These statements are only true if that's what you've decided to buy into and believe.
If your career or business isn’t going the way you want it to right now, you need to work on your thinking, first and foremost.
This is because you're thinking in a way that can't bring you the career or business you want.
You're thinking is keeping you stuck exactly where you don't want to be.
It's bringing you what you believe... not what you want.
Read on if you want to learn an easy way to transform your career or business, during adversity.
It's all about how and what you think and say. Your story and beliefs.
When you come to understand and use the information I am about to share with you, you will realise that you no longer need to accept the fear, worry and beliefs of the masses and you will never again work yourself into the ground to succeed, work harder or put in longer hours than anyone else.
It is simply about changing your thinking to what you want, rather than continually asking for what you don't want.
If you can grasp what I’m saying in all of its simplicity, then your whole career can change (fast), but as humans, we can’t comprehend this simplicity. We have to turn it into a struggle and make it hard for ourselves. We have to focus on the reality.
I’m not the first person to tell you this, by the way. There have been hundreds, if not thousands of versions of exactly this information presented to you via books and in speeches throughout history, but it might just be the first time you're hearing it like this.
I embarked on this journey 9 years ago when I found myself and my life circumstances unacceptable. I wasn’t consciously aware that the journey was going to be a lesson on how to think, but looking back now, I realise it was the whole journey. Every obstacle, problem, glass ceiling, pain and struggle I have ever endured, was in the end, one of thought.
This information will be hard for you to comprehend if it's the first time you are hearing it, and you may choose not to believe it, and that's fine. It just means you’re not ready to hear it yet.
But sooner or later something will either rip you out of your comfort zone (which may have just happened to you through COVID-19), or you will finally reach that point where you accept that your way isn't working and you’re willing to let go and try another way.
If you have already reached either of these two points, and you want to learn an easy and life-changing method to improve your career or business (and life for that matter), please read on, as I am going to tell you how to do it.
So, how do you know if you need to change how you think?
Just look at your results. Are they good or bad?
If you think they are bad, then start by analysing your thoughts and beliefs.
For example, if you're unhappy with your career, what sort of things do you think and say about it?
Does it sound something like this?
'It's so hard to get a decent job. I always miss out on the jobs I want. My business is experiencing hard times. I don't even get to the interview stage, even though I'm qualified. Management don't value me. I'll never get promoted. I can't get a job. I'm broke. I have no time. I have no money. I need the security. It's impossible to get a job in this climate. I never get pay rises. There are hardly any jobs out there. I have to pull in the purse strings.'
I could go on for hours, but you get the idea.
If you say any of the above or similar, you need to change the way you think.
'But! But Liz! It's true. I can't get a job in this climate,' you say.
And I say, 'Yes, it is true for you, because that's what you're saying. Everything you believe is true.'
And you say, 'NO Liz! It is the truth and that's why I'm saying it.'
And I say, 'If it was the truth, it would be true for everyone, and it's not, therefore it is just your belief and everything you believe is true. So if you don't want this to be true for you, you have to create a new belief.'
'Well, how the hell do I do that?' you say.
Let me tell you by using a negative career situation as our example.
Write down your answers to the following questions.
What is your current career story? What are you saying? What are you thinking? What is consistently happening to you? How do you feel? How much money do you earn? What does your current career or business look like? What don't you like about it and why do you think it's not working?
Write down your answers to the following questions.
What would your ideal career story to be? What salary do you want? What are your career and business goals? What would you say if you had your dream career? What would you think if you had your dream career? How would this feel? Write in detail what your dream career or business looks like? What do you absolutely love about it and what is working better than anything ever has before?
Shred (or burn, safely) what you wrote in step one.
From now on, only think thoughts of what you want your career or business to look, feel and be like. Every time you become conscious of a negative thought, immediately replace it with an opposing thought, which you want to believe is true.
Here are some examples on how to think to get you started.
It's so easy to get a job. There are so many opportunities during this time. I always get the job I want. I always get to the first interview stage. I'm perfect for this role. Management value me. I have plenty of time. I can get a job. I have lots of money. My business revenue is growing all the time. Money comes to me easily and frequently. It's easy to get a job right now. I always get pay rises. There are heaps of jobs out there that are perfect for me.
Repeat these over and over again until they become your new beliefs.
You may be wondering how this creates a new belief? Well, a better question to ask is how did you learn all of your current beliefs? Mainly through hearing the repetitive beliefs of others as you were growing up, normally parents or carers, or from someone close to you in adulthood, or something you have repeated over and over again to yourself.
So... now you are going to use the same method to create a new belief.
This is literally how it works: Your thoughts (beliefs) create your feelings. Your feelings create your actions and your actions create the results you get in your life.
So, if the thoughts you are thinking are creating your reality. Your life is a direct effect (mirror/reflection) of your thoughts.
Please focus your full attention on the following sentence!
If you change your thoughts (beliefs) on any subject or area of your life and only think the thoughts of what you want consistently, your results will change to reflect and mirror your new thoughts.
Did you hear it? Please go back and read it again and again.
Let it break past your resistance. Past your current beliefs, your walls and your fear of letting go of what you currently believe.
Know that everything you believe is true, so decide what it is you want to believe.
I know, I've made it sound so easy, and really it is when you finally get it, but for some reason it's so hard for our minds to grasp the simplicity of what I'm saying and accept it as the truth.
It's like we are only allowed to understand this universal truth when we truly search for it. You have to take the journey if you want to find the truth. It is the only way.
So, if you want to learn 'how to think' in a way to completely transform your career or business (and life) during COVID-19 and beyond, schedule your free career strategy session with me here:
Heart-Centred Creative, Storyteller, Content Strategist & Editor
4 年Being mindful of that negative self-talk and making conscious mental shifts is so crucial. Such a timely and uplifting read Liz! :-)
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4 年What a great read Liz, I can't wait to start utilising this information.