Stop Thanking Customers For Their Patience
You never know what will trigger others. My father was so late for everything that he should have dealt drugs. I never understood why it took so long for him to get ready. He did not have hair and makeup which takes times to look right.
Growing up with the perception of teamwork as "We all showed up late" when it was really one person's fault led to rebellion. I am not so important as to make people wait. Madonna once started a concert at 10:30. Some fans who paid a lot to see her had babysitters who probably had school the next day, parking garages closed for the night and public transportation stopped running.
Some people will take advantage of you and thank you for your patience after they essentially hold you hostage due to their dawdling. The phrase came up on an airplane. The pilot, who announced his name as if that means something (Except when the pilot said he was "Steve Allen" I don't remember the introductions. It was not the original host of The Tonight Show.) mentioned there were many planes in front of us.
It happens. There are storms and waiting a few minutes is preferable to a collision. Flight times are exaggerated to give a few minutes on either end so they can say they arrived "On time." In our seats we have no choice except to be "Patient" as our turn comes up. Thanking us for not raising a ruckus which is more common in the pandemic does not make it any easier.
It can remind me of bad relationships. That killed Thanksgiving for me. Work did not help since I spend it with retired in laws. My sister fell in love so she likes the in laws. I fell in love with no one and when they work at a different speed? When I have to be up at two the next morning I don't want to wait for people whose speeds are "Slow" and "Stop."
My so called patience will not help me prepare for the busy season at work. I'll wait when I have to. Don't patronize me as it is happening. Talk about something else. Using the word "Patience" reminds me how I depend on others and they have made me wait.