Stop Telling Yourself You're STUCK

Stop Telling Yourself You're STUCK

"I never finish anything. I have a black belt in partial arts." - Vince the Sign Guy

A coach told me, "I promised clients an e-book last month, but I'm stuck. I second-guess every single thing I say and my project has come to a screeching halt."

I told her, “If there's anything I've learned in twenty years of helping people get their creative projects out in the world, it's that perfectionism is a form of procrastination.

If we try to get it right, we won't get it done, because perfectionism is an exercise in futility.

"I agree with that. I just don't know what to do about it."

I suggested she use these steps to overcome The 3 P's that prevent us from finishing our projects. Hope you find them helpful.

How to Overcome The 3 P's - Perfectionism, Pessimism, Procrastination

1. Put a launch date and finish date on the calendar. General Patton said, "If you don't know where to start, you don't start." As soon as you put "alpha-omega" dates on your calendar, you have something tangible and specific to work towards instead of a wishy-washy vagueness that invites procrastination. It's metrics over mindset.

2. Reverse-engineer your deliverables. Set up the Psychology of Completion by deciding each chapter will be ten pages or less. People love short chapters because they feel they're making progress so they keep reading. If you want a 200 page book, that's 20 chapters. If you write one chapter a week, it will take 20 weeks to have a draft manuscript.

3. DO NOT RE-READ WHAT YOU'VE WRITTEN. If you re-read what you've written, you'll re-write what you've written. At the end of a month, you'll have the same pages, and they won't necessarily be better, they'll just be different.

The coach said, "Really?! You're saying I shouldn't go back and edit my work?"

"Edit after you finish your manuscript. If you critique while you go, there goes the flow. Your voice is in your first draft. The goal is to write without judging so your true style comes out to play. Second-guessing yourself causes your confidence to go away."

She said, "Okay, I'll give it a try."

"Don't just try, it, commit to it. Stopping and second-guessing your work keeps you stuck.

Producing pages produces progress and progress beats perfection.

4. Tell yourself a new story. Tara Conklin says, "Your greatest work of art is the story you tell about yourself." Agreed. Yet some people talk themselves out of completing their project with negative stories like "No one will want this. This is a waste of time." That's called failure-forecasting. Want to get unstuck? Stop telling yourself you're stuck. Talk yourself into completing your project with, "I am so glad to be moving this forward. I've wanted to do this for a long time. I will always be glad I persevered and kept my promise to myself."

5. Keep your project IN-SIGHT, IN-MIND. It's easy to forget about your project when it's on your laptop because it's out-of-sight, out-of-mind. Post a draft of your book cover on your refrigerator or by your desk where you'll see it throughout the day. Every client who posted a book cover on their frig has finished their book because it keeps it top-of-mind.

6. Go it TOGETHER instead of going it alone. New York Times bestselling author James Rollins told our Maui Writers Conference audience the only way he finished his first book - while running his own full time veterinary practice - was with the help of a writers support group at his local Barnes & Noble in Davis, CA. Do you have someone who will be half encourager-half accountability buddy to cheer you up on down days?

7. Stop waiting for spare time. Do you know anyone who has "spare" time? Reframe what it means to write. Writing doesn't have to be at a desk, it can be done anywhere, anytime. Take a notebook with you everywhere you go. When an idea occurs to you, ink it when you think it. Whenever you're waiting, you could be writing. Use the app (instant transcript for free) to jot thoughts while they're hot so your life becomes your lab.

The coach asked one more time, "I still worry it won't be perfect."

I told her, "You're right, it won't be perfect, however at least your stories and insights are making a positive difference for people instead of sitting on your laptop where they don't do anyone any good."

Tina Fey tells a marvelous story about this in her book Bossy Pants. She was rushing to finish a skit at SNL and Lorne Michaels told her to wrap it up. She said, ‘But it’s not ready.’

He laughed, ‘Tina, the show doesn’t go on because it’s ready. It goes on because it’s 11:30.’”

Exactly. It’s time to pick an 11:30 for your project.

Get out your calendar RIGHT NOW. Select a launch date.

Print out these steps. Post them where you'll see them every day.

Get to work.

FINISH this project.

You'll always be glad you did.

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Want support getting your creative project out the door? Join Sam's POP! Master Class .

Lynne Williams, Ed.D. Candidate

ATS Resumes | LinkedIn? Branding | Pivots & Reinventions | Keyword strategies to beat the bots | Data-driven decision-making | Strategic Job Search Tactics | Career Education | Techie Boomer Cheerleader

9 个月

This article spoke to me big time! It hit me right between the eyes for one daunting project … the doctoral dissertation. I need to reverse engineer my calendar.

Patrizia Cassaniti Touched by Christopher

Founder & Director of the Touched by Christopher Foundation & Let's talk about Safety Project International Key Note Speaker at Workplaces, Expos & Forums 2021 Gold Stevie Award 2023 Local Woman of the Year

3 年

Hi Sam the workshop 12 October, Australian Eastern Standard time or USA?? Ps... you are amazing !!

Sam Horn

Founder & CEO at The Intrigue Agency, 3 TEDx talks, author, keynote speaker, consultant on Tongue Fu!, POP!, Talking on Eggshells, Connect the Dots Forward, LinkedIn Instructor on “Preparing for Successful Communication”

3 年

Glad you enjoyed these tips on how to get unstuck. Thought you might enjoy this related post with a unique way to set up focus and flow.

  • 该图片无替代文字
Roseann Capanna-Hodge, Ed.D.

Speaker | Self-Regulation l Children and Family Mental Health | Parenting | Science-Backed Mental Health Solutions | Podcast Host | Author | Calm the Brain First, Everything Else Follows

3 年

Your mind will believe what you tell it, so tell it good things! ???

Robert Moore, Ph.D.

Producer, "The Doe Hunters"<>Producer/Board Chair, Bella Luna Productions<>Board Pres., Friends of the Orpheum Theater<>Board Pres., Central Iowa Art Association<>Prof. Emeritus, Marshalltown Community College, Iowa

3 年

"Do or Not Do; There Is No Try"--Yoda, Star Wars, Episode V



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