Stop Talking About It... Just Do It!
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Stop Talking About It... Just Do It!

Only you are responsible for your own success…

“I’ll start doing….”,


“I’ll make time for….”,


“I read this really good book about….”,


“What so and so says I should do is …….”,


Hmmm… the reality is that most people rarely do what they say!


Sorry ah! If you’re one of those that does, then I salute you!


But there is nothing better than expanding our minds, learning something new and then implementing it…


And yes, most people know it all, it’s in their heads, it’s in their plans, journals, notes, inspirational memes, flip charts etc… but they never actually do it!


They know they keep cheating themselves out of success because it takes too much effort, they’re scared of the unknown, they don’t want to make a fool of themselves, they don’t quite know what they’re doing – the list goes on and on.


By the way, I know the list, intimately – I’ve been there and ticked off every single one of them, so don’t think I’m just another theorist who’s preaching – I’m not! I practice what I preach…


You see, unless we actually adopt what we learn from webinars, books, podcasts etc, then all we’re actually doing is being a theorist rather than a practitioner…


Unless you start DOING, nothing will ever change in your business – you’ll keep doing the same thing and getting the same results… This is the definition of insanity!


Really, at some point, those amazing men and women in business out there have to put all their learning into practice… scary as it is, they have to start somewhere! Theory and practice layering on top of each other all the time is the way to go lah!


And you wouldn’t let your child get behind the wheel of a car and drive unsupervised just because he or she read and digested a copy of the Malaysian Highway Code, right?


We all know that running our own businesses can be a scary old thing. When we venture into uncharted territory, we often do that alone.


If you want to change anything in your business then you’re going to have to make it happen. You’re the conductor of the orchestra, the CEO of your own empire, the maker of your own destiny.


No one else can do it for you… well ok, they can do some of it when you outsource, but there are some things they absolutely can’t do – nor should you let them!


Like your strategy for example. Why would you let someone else determine your business strategy?


The definition of strategy is “a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim”


And the key word in there is not plan, its ACTION. You have to act in your business to get anything and everything done!


So, if you’re flailing around getting overwhelmed and bombarded by all the “stuff” you’re watching, listening to and reading, let me help you get on your way…


First, get your vision and plan straight… and it doesn’t need to be complicated.


A business plan constantly evolves and will develop and become more expansive the longer you’re in business, the bigger you get, the more you outsource and the more knowledgeable you become.


Maybe you need to take some time to reconnect with your own business dream? Whatever stage of business you’re in, it’s super important to be clear about your dream, vision and goals…


Speaking of which, setting goals and breaking them down is what you do next.


When we look at all the goals and objectives that we have for our businesses, we can become totally overwhelmed and also get lost in all the detail. And when that happens we whirl into a downward procrastinating cycle!


So, when you set your goals which are linked to your business vision, you will have a clear idea of what needs to be done.


Break each one down into smaller chunks so that you end up with a list of tasks that you can tick off and measure against success!


And yes, always be accountable too…


If you say you’re going to do something then do it! It’s YOUR business and the success or failure of it relies on you!


You know what? If you’re crap at being accountable to yourself, then get accountable to someone else…


If you were running your business as a CEO with a management team, you’d expect them to deliver results, wouldn’t you?


So, you need to hold yourself accountable and ensure that whether it’s just you or with some outsourced assistance, you’re always accountable for getting things done.


And get your head out of the books, eyes away from screens, ears tuned out of your podcasts and take focused action for the sake of your business! You can thank me later for this…


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