Yes I said it.
You might wonder why one of the biggest advocates of including CBD in your daily regimen, like me, writes an article with this headline. Being at the forefront in the industry for years now, I have seen the highs and lows that come and go when it comes to people buying and using CBD products. Yesterday I went through some comments of an Instagram reel by an influencer who promoted the use of CBD. The comments go from "yes CBD I love it, it helps me to sleep better" to "CBD does exactly nothing, so it is a waste of money and a nice marketing trick that promises something but does not deliver" and everything in between. There was even a comment of somebody describing her personal experience: "I also tried it myself for pain relief and being able to sleep better, but I got some serious effects such as heavy palpitations and a hyperactive body that made me very restless. Even meditation didn't help to calm me down. A very bad experience. Fortunately it wore off after about 6 hours and I was able to recover".
What we can learn from these comments is that we (The CBD advocates) failed to properly educate and set the wrong expectations to these responders to the reel. A 6 hours lasting effect with heavy palpitations will most likely be caused by THC and 100% not caused by CBD. When CBD does exactly nothing and promises something but does not deliver the question is what was promised? I know we're not allowed to properly market our products using the (science backed) health benefits, because of the regulations in the different corners of this world, but we should be able to find a way to get the right message across to our potential users that might highly benefit form taking CBD (and I still am 100% convinced that CBD does work).
But, why stop talking about CBD?
CBD is so hyped that users and potential users think everything is CBD by now, while we actually talk about cannabinoids. And that can be CBD, but also CBC, CBN, CBG, THC, HHC and who knows which other cannabinoid of the 113 or more distinct phyto-cannabinoids pops up out of research in the years to come. What we are talking about in fact is a group of molecules that, not only, we are making ourselves in our bodies (endo-cannabinoids) , but that we can also add to our system by using (phyto, coming from a plant) cannabinoid containing products.
As an example using vitamin C instead of CBD; we say use vitamine C! It might help with energy, healthy skin, sleep, immune system, improves appetite and mood. Good for your skin bones, teeth & reproduction. Vital for new cell creation and DNA synthesis.
As you can see in the chart below it's not the Vitamin C that does all that. It are the different type of vitamins that have specific benefits. Some have combined benefits, but every vitamin has it's own benefits, well known by the users.
Let's talk cannabinoids instead of CBD. As long as our users take THC thinking they use a CBD oil we're failing in getting the message across. So no more CBD industry, CBD awards, CBD expo's whatsoever. Let's take the Vitamin Supplements as an example and start talking cannabinoids. There's no such thing as a Vitamin C award, Vitamin C expo or Vitamin C industry, right? When you feel a little ill and a flue or cold comes up you start taking Vitamin C. That's a no brainer. Same as taking extra Vitamin D when the days get shorter and darker and the sun is less powerful. We, the cannabinoid industry, must aim for being at that top of mind level. We are here to stay and one day people will get it. Reason the more to stock cannabinoid products in your shop and get your shop assistants educated.