Stop Struggling in Life! How Your Next Breakthrough Will Change Everything

Stop Struggling in Life! How Your Next Breakthrough Will Change Everything

What’s stopping you from living in a reality that feels full, expansive, and abundant?

Often, high-achieving people develop skills and strategies to meet the perceived needs around us. We feel worthy when we receive external validation; we feel satisfied when we’ve worked hard to achieve a goal and see that goal take shape. We work.?

And we work. And we work…and we work.

We strive within the grind and stress of have-tos and shoulds.

And so often, living in this constant state of proving our worth leaves us, well, empty.

Life looks like survival. Our daily tasks take all our energy; we approach every demand as urgent, in immediate need of our attention and our action.?

This is only one of the ways in which hardworking, well-intentioned people enter the churn and burn of life plateauing, reducing your experience to a stress-filled, exhausting existence.?

Sometimes, we recognize this and do everything we can to stop it in its tracks as we begin praying, hoping, learning, and applying that work ethic even more deeply to a ‘worth ethic’--working on ourselves like a project or something broken that needs fixing, using all our willpower to invite change into our lives.

And then? Nothing changes–for one simple reason.

Here’s the thing: we’re not broken.?

We’ve simply adopted patterns and mindsets that don’t work in our favor.

Stop struggling in life; start thriving.

Sounds good, right? You know as well as anyone, though, that it isn’t enough to simply want that shift to happen. If it was, you’d already be doing it.

Grab a piece of paper or your journal, and get ready to spend some time writing your initial responses to the following section. We’re about to crack open the path for your breakthrough.

Question 1: What do you long to be different in your life?

Question 2: What do you yearn for freedom from?

Question 3: What are the sources of your disappointment, discouragement, and drain that rob you of joy and fulfillment?

Question 4: If you were truly free to be yourself and spend your time and energy in ways that are enjoyable and fulfilling to you, how would you live differently?

Entering into provocative questions like these is one simple step you can take to begin the conversation with your higher self.?

That’s the self God made you to live in this world.

The Core of Breakthrough Coaching: Living Life in Abundance and Freedom

God’s power in YOU wants to be seen and embodied so you are free to live your most fulfilling, abundant, passionate, and purpose-filled life. Full stop.

This power is only accessed through Connie’s empowering breakthrough process; it has little to do with habitual, gradual changes. Once you realize–and recognize, embody, and harness–the wisdom and power inside you that your “survival self” doesn’t have, you gain access to an entirely new way of being.

You don’t choose to do things differently; you are different.

That’s the power of breakthrough coaching from a perspective of connecting you to your deeper desires. With this approach, you learn how to reprogram, repattern, and recondition all those survival tricks that have left you depleted and wanting more. You separate yourself from story and pattern, from programming, and from denial.

Breakthrough coaching isn’t Sunday School. It’s a path to learning how to amplify God’s spirit within you by getting to the essence of who you are.

You can imagine that this process would be extraordinarily difficult to enter into alone; even answering the questions above may have left you with more questions than answers. That’s where the “Coaching” element is crucial to your breakthrough.

Ready to access your most magical self? To discover how breakthrough coaching opens the doorway for you to live and lead from your true identity read the remainder of this post on my website:


Gordon Hill

Advocate for Originality

9 个月

Food for thought which is the best energy source.


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