Stop settling for Less, Start realising your dreams MORE!
Juliyah Brown (Published Amazon Author)
EDI, L&D, Anti-Racism practices, People & Culture, Organisational Development Lead Community Faciliator, Capacity Builder, Teacher, Trainer, Advocate, Activist, Coach Consultant, International Author, Solutions Focus
Let's address the elephant in the room. Yes, things will get messy!
Would you agree with me that many people appear to have their life together? However, they may be financially broke. so be warned, NOT to keep up with the Joneses. You have no idea what is happening behind their closed doors! They may be in an abusive or uncommitted relationship, however, they keep up appearances! Their children may be misbehaving. They may have dependency and attachment issues and so many other, social, emotional, financial, mental and physical health challenges.
Now, let me ask you a direct question, "Are you really happy with your life right now?' Are you in pain, or trauma from keeping a "secret?" Is this secrecy, gnawing at you from the inside out?
Or, are you possibly one of many people, who may have been addicted to the "shiny syndrome effect" in their hunt for the "next best thing" This relentless and insatiable drive may well create debt, self-sabotage and numerous, numbing and dumbing outcomes, where people "freeze" get stuck, confused, become complacent and procrastinate. In this vulnerable state, they are a prime target for others to take advantage of them and they may fall down a slippery slope and then spiral into despair!
Home truths
Is it OK to ask a few more questions? Thank you!
If you answered YES, then let's work on you and your breakthroughs! How?
My Bold step forward! Vulnerability exposed!
So I am taking a leap of faith to create a workshop on my birthday week 11- 17th September 2022 to run online and face-to-face events!
I realised and opened my eyes that settling for less, playing small, looking for new jobs, and being paid far less than I was worth was no longer a way to live, love and enjoy life. I spoke to a few amazing people, who spoke gave me a reality check! I took action! as I committed to changing my future NOW! I came to the wonderful realisation that coaches need help too!
After all, when the superhuman coaching cape comes off at night, it is a human being that has some basic needs to be met too! Yes, I have experienced the power of coaches needing coaching to help mentor and support them at times when they are running on empty and giving their all to help others to move forward in their lives. I rose to the challenge to take massive action! So this workshop was born!
STOP settling for LESS and START realising your dreams MORE!
This workshop will disrupt your thinking and encourage you to take action. Yes, life happens at times things may get messy. However, out of this mess is a powerful message to get your life back on track and to help you to keep moving forward.
Some of the areas that we will cover:-
PLUS so much more including... birthday celebration bonuses
My intention is to help you see C2S and GMM!
What is C2S? Crushed to Sparkle, you have diamonds within and my intention is to help you to uncover, and rediscover your greatness and for you to polish your shine!
What is GMM? Gold Mine Mind, I'll remind you, You have Gold in your Mind, that needs to be mined!
Wonderful you!
Yes, we will celebrate letting go, rising up and building a more resourceful, resilient and powerful, unstoppable you! Where you can be heard, seen and start living life on your terms! You will create your own action plan to work on your own personal economy.
Next steps! - Action in the comments box below
If you are excited and want to attend this Transition to Transform week of change let me know in the comments box below. Type in the comments box, "I'm in!" For those of you who join in, you have taken the first step to acknowledge to yourself, "enough is enough, it is your time to change!"
Great that you are super excited. I am in search of my London venue! Dates, times and venue details to be confirmed. So watch this space for further information!
Juliyah's good rules to live by
In the interim, will you do this for yourself?
Whatever, I do going forward must give me a 100% added value and satisfaction.
I will not settle for less, I deserve the best.
I will look at every situation as an opportunity to create something meaningful, practical and relevant.
I will look to smile more and frown less.
I will do random acts of kindness through out the day to make the world a better place and above all, I will love myself and treat myself as the King or Queen that I AM! xxx