Stop Selling and Double Your Income

Stop Selling and Double Your Income

Everybody sells something!

However, do we need to tell our customers what we are selling specifically in order for them to buy from us? The answer - ……………. No!

In the past, many times, it was necessary to aggressively push and pedal our products and services -  and many of us still do. Many sales professionals are still focused on closing the sale only, and while that is still important,very important, the new trend to selling most products and services even more so today, has transformed.

Today, the push factor has changed to the “pull” strategy. Options, data/information, informal communications and convenience are without a doubt, a major part of the new “pull” strategy.

People want to ask many questions and be informed of the possibilities without feeling obligated to a quick and formal decision. One of our professional duties is to guide them in such a way that they will consistently follow up with us for information and reach out to us for valuable options.  

The sales profession used to be an eight to ten hour day, usually five days a week. Now with the internet, sales has become 24/7, in some cases “25/8” - or at least it feels that way. Customers are determining the “pull factor” and demanding it. Just saying.

Push vs. Pull Media

Push media has been the way of sales and marketing for generations. Businesses would advertise and push their products out into the market. Since the internet has made sales a 24/7 affair, it has also seeded out the opportunity for pull media. People can easily pick and choose what they want at their convenience. Be there for them.

Take cable and Netflix, for example. With cable television, the networks decide what shows will air and in what time slots. They decide which shows to add and which shows to cut. If you have cable, those shows that the networks push are your only options. However, if you have Netflix, you can decide if you want to watch Stranger Things or The Office at three in the morning or at one in the afternoon. The viewer, not the seller, gets to pull their desired content.

This presents a new acquisition and retention challenge to most business owners and sales professionals. We have to be in front of the right customers at the right time, everytime.

How Do You Close the Sale if You Aren’t Selling?

Take a step back and adjust. Shift your plan. Focus on the customer’s wants and needs.  Seek real solutions for your customer’s problems. Inform the customer, establish your credibility, become 24/7, and be the professional everybody seeks. Easy? Heck no. However, when we choose to deliver value at a world class level, we will receive- in the same manner. Stop, drop and roll. Stop and re-evaluate your process and system, drop some of the old ways of selling and roll forward professionally aggressive with the new “pull “ model.

Inform the Customer

Make it a point to show the customer all of their options. Provide facts and listen well. Gain their loyalty! If necessary, offer alternative solutions with other companies or vendors. Stay connected through digital media. Encourage them to provide feedback.

Establish Your Credibility

There are many ways to establish your authority/credibility in your industry. One way is by actually doing it yourself and sharing your solutions with others so they too, can succeed as well. Live by what you teach and teach well, consistently as we live.  Easier said than done right? However, the victories come in the great attempts. Add a blog to your website and post once a week. This announces your interest in providing value and increases credibility again. People are more likely to support your efforts, business and ultimately, get happily involved with your service.

Become 24/7

The internet has changed the way we shop, buy, and sell. Since the internet can be accessed at any time of the day, our businesses need to be available all day, every day by some form of media. Bottom line - we need to deliver as much as possible, what the consumer demands, as easily as possible. Social media and chat features allow us to be working in the office without being physically in the office. Publishing consistent content on social media and your website allows you to answer questions, often before they are even asked, giving you just one more checkmark of credibility as an authority in your industry.

Be Professional and Personal

Social media is quickly becoming an excellent way for businesses and sales professionals to get in front of customers. Are you riding the wave?. If it is done right, it can mean an explosion of growth for your company. It is still important to show prospects the real human being behind the internet, You! Don’t advertise 100% of the time. Instead, share stories and lessons learned. Share behind the scenes pictures and goals for your company. The more distinct, valuable and factual information provided, the better and richer the balance sheets of both you and your customer. Staying professional and personal, is more likely to encourage people to buy from you than if you were constantly trying to sell and post advertisements. Share your knowledge and passion --  and they will come.

Double Your Income

Stop selling and make more money? I know this can seem nearly impossible. However, if we stop concentrating on selling, selling, selling, we can open up the potential to more effective customer and prospect rapport, thus - double your income. Remember, create content that your customers will want to search for and “pull” to themselves. Provide your customers with valuable information, establish authority in the industry, become 24/7, and be professional and personal. Sooner rather than later, your customers will be coming to you with their needs, and wants in hand, asking for you to help them set up your credible, well informed, alternative solutions. Begin your shift. Everybody wins.


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