Stop the Scroll and Get Leadership Tips on the 'Gram

Stop the Scroll and Get Leadership Tips on the 'Gram

Ready to add some career development to your scrolling??

I love the trends, memes, and fun pictures on Instagram. But it’s also a great place to get a quick thought or leadership boost.?

I’ve spent more than a decade researching leadership and the future of work and interviewing hundreds of the world’s top leaders. Instagram is where I share all the best highlights and short versions of my findings.?

On my feed, you’ll find interview clips, short videos, and quotes from top leaders and thinkers covering everything from how to develop a growth mindset to the skills future leaders need to succeed and best practices from top companies. These posts are designed to get you thinking about what it takes to be a future-ready leader and help you start conversations with your boss and colleagues.

I also share some cool behind-the-scenes stuff of what I'm working on and also doing outside of work.

Take a break from your scrolling to become a better leader. It only takes a few minutes to learn something new you can apply today.

Check out my Instagram here—I’ll look for you in the comments!

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Tu stii care sunt factorii de risc ai singuratatii? Sau cat de mult ne afecteaza si ne face rau aceasta afectiune? Pentru a da numai cateva exemple: singuratatea creste cu 29% riscul bolilor de inima, cu 32% riscul atacurilor cerebrale, cu 64% riscul de dementa. Dramatic este ca ”riscul de moarte prematur? este cu 30% mai ridicat” in cazul persoanelor izolate. Informatii suplimentare gasiti pe: Daca te confrunti cu probleme similare celor descrise in articol, imi poti scrie aici sau direct pe Intrucat tocmai am lansat o activitate de cercetare de piata, te invit si pe Putem discuta acolo despre modul in care lucram efectiv.



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