Stop Scrap Training!
Deborah Spring Laurel - Management Trainer
Management training | Train the trainer | Curriculum design/ I strengthen nonprofit teams to achieve the greatest impact
There are still trainers who only lecture, boring their participants and themselves.
? They’re frustrated.
? No one is learning new skills.
? It’s a waste of everyone’s time and money.
The trainers, often accidental trainers, just don’t know what to do about it.
That’s why I created the Training Mastery series, to fill in the gaps in trainers’ skill sets by:
? introducing experiential and interactive learning activities
? providing templates for quick and effective learning design
? offering solutions to classroom management challenges
We meet virtually for a half hour every third Thursday of the month, at 11 am Central Time.
? November 16th: we review how to use 8 art and 16 discussion activities.
? December 21st: we look at how to use 9 dramatizations and 15 written activities.
? January 18th: we discuss how to use 16 movement activities and 14 games.
Expand your training methodology toolkit in a free virtual half-hour session once a month. Jane from Korea came at 1 am her time and found it worth the effort. You will, too.
Sign up at:
#LaurelAndAssociates #MasteryTraining #Training #TrainTheTrainer #DeborahLaurel