Stop Saying 'Sign Up For Email Updates'
Despite the 148 million Google results claiming so, email is not dead.
It's still a powerful way to keep in touch with people, and market your products.
Unfortunately, millions are making a big mistake. They are making actually subscribing to their email list boring as hell.
To hand over one's email, is no easy ask. For most of us, our email inbox is a very personal space, and one we do not give to just anyone. And if we do, it's an email address we created just for junk mail. That email is not valuable to you.
So whenever you say, "Sign Up For Email Updates", you are not giving a good enough reason why. Essentially, you are saying...
"Give Me Your Email Address So I Can Send You Shit"
Maybe you are getting some subscribers here and there, but if you work on creating and offering a BETTER ask, you'll see that number jump.
People don't want updates. They want value.
How can you make it a NO BRAINER for people to subscribe? What can you put together, be it an ebook, video or short series, that dramatically makes the exchange of information (their email) easier?