STOP quoting and hoping
Nigel Dunand
Success formula for CEO's and MD's. Build A-Player technical Sales Teams, become an A-Player Coach, create an A-Player Culture, attract GREAT staff and clients for mutually profitable, long-term relationships.
Time to call BS on this lazy sales habit.
Top 6 Reasons :
1. “Hope” is not a strategy. I hope they like what they see. I hope they like the price, I hope they want to go ahead once they see our beautiful proposal. I hope they are not using us as a free consultant. I hope I am not being used as “column fodder”.
2. Run the numbers. How much time and money do you have set aside in you “quotation/ proposal/ chasing" budget?
3. Run more numbers. Who pays for the proposal? The prospect? You? Or are your existing customers ultimately paying? ...and how do you think they feel about that?
4. And yet more numbers. Let’s say you, or your sales person, is “closing 20%” that means they are working effectively for 40 days each year. And 160 days ….for the competition. Yep. That’s right. You are giving your prospective customer just enough information to allow them to decide to do business with your competitor. Ouch!
5. If you have not established equality, not positioned yourself to be told the truth, not asked all the questions you need to avoid having to read their mind , not been convinced that they have told you everything you need to be sure they will buy, then you are guilty of “premature presentation”.
6. If you have not been brave enough to ask the right questions, do you really deserve the business? Or are you just hoping to get lucky?
Want to know more about our counter intuitive, non-traditional approach to sales? Tired of the quote and hope B.S? Tired of being a sales wimp?
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