Stop Quiet Quitting and Create Solutions
Jeannette Seibly
Expert in success strategies to solve people issues for small business and family business leaders??Hiring ?? Coaching ??Assessments ?? Keynote Speaker ?? Talent Advisor ?? Leadership Results Coach ?? Business Author
According to Fortune, 82% of GenZs and Millennials are quietly quitting. When I shared this shocking stat with a friend, she talked about a young family member ignored by her bosses! The GenZer would like to take on more challenging work and has often asked for more opportunities. But each time, she continues to be dismissed. So, she quietly quit her job.
As a member of any generation, you can be part of the problem or part of the solution, whether you're the boss or employee. When employees of all ages feel bored, not challenged, or experience long-term job dissatisfaction, it creates quiet quitting! Remember, problems always have solutions. Left unaddressed, quiet quitting can sabotage your profitability and results too.
Bosses, remember, GenZs and Millennials are our future. Now is the time to train, develop, and coach them to create good work and results-producing skills … not discourage them further.
Two Points of View to Prevent Quiet Quitting
1.?????First, learn about career blind spots.
Boss: Create a strategic selection system to collect objective, valid, and reliable data for your hiring, job transfers, and promotions, and rehire decisions.
Employee: While you chose your profession for various reasons, you're suffering because the job doesn't fit you! Before you keep job hopping, discover your blind spots and focus on job fit. Talk with an executive coach. It’ll save you from career disillusionment and giving up on yourself or pursuing jobs that don’t fit you.
2.?????Do your homework.
Boss: Stop relying on the interview as your primary source during the hiring process. Using a strategic selection system will improve collecting objective, valid, and reliable data.
Employee: Before taking a job, conduct your due diligence by asking questions of the interviewers and your professional network. Talk about training, education reimbursement, and other opportunities available to grow that are important to you. Remember, you will have many career options during your lifetime … it’s your responsibility to build on these and not blame your employer for your lack of success.
3.?????Create Depth of Knowledge.
Boss: Many employees hate repetitive work or being micromanaged. Look for opportunities to allow them to make mistakes and learn.
Employee: Ask for opportunities to dig deeper into accounting, human resources, marketing, etc. Start with learning the basics (e.g., math, accounting, sales, hiring and assessment legalities). The knowledge and ability to use this information correctly can promote you further faster.
4.?????Create a Breadth of Awareness.
Boss: Provide new opportunities for upskilling, reskilling, and training and development as part of your team members' career path.
Employee: Take an active role in interdepartmental teams addressing company-wide issues. Listen, ask questions, and learn. This helps you develop and use your knowledge and skills to positively impact the company and its clients.
5.?????Stay Current.
Boss: Provide weekly department meetings and monthly 1:1 sessions. Discuss what’s working, what’s missing, and the resources needed. Don’t forget to include coaching on taking initiative and being resourceful.
Employee: It’s easy to get bored. But actually, it’s easier to make an effort to learn more and expand your knowledge about your current job. It’s up to you to take the initiative!
6.?????Attend Professional Association and/or Trade Meetings.
Boss: Provide budget dollars and opportunities for employees to attend these events.
Employee: Don’t be shy. Get out there to meet and greet others. Ask and listen to current and future issues in the industry you work in … or wish to work in.
7.?????Stop Hoping for Job Satisfaction and Create It.
Boss: It's up to you to provide appropriate initiatives or challenges for each employee to enhance their job satisfaction.
Employee: Hope is not a strategy. Grab your “Brag” book and complete the 5 easy steps. Now, share your brags with your boss and create action steps for what’s next in developing your career path. Yes, you need to take an active part! PS: Use your brags during Performance Appraisals and work reviews too.
8.?????Keep Learning!
Boss: Provide budget dollars for ongoing training and development. Include online and onsite workshops. Remember, you’re creating the next generation of leaders!
Employee: Your brain loves to learn. Even if you have a degree or trade certification, take advantage of company training and workshops. Primarily focus on skills required for career growth: ?emotional intelligence, communication, project management, and leadership. (Yes, even before you need them.) Don’t forget critical, often overlooked education: financial planning, money management, technical certificates (for non-technical people), etc.
9.?????Hire a Coach!
Boss and Employee: Find the money. Hire the coach. Remember, successful people of all ages have coaches.
?Jeannette Seibly 2022 All Rights Reserved
Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She's celebrating 30 years as an award-winning international executive consultant, speaker, and coach. Her clients value the listening and positive difference she brings to any conversation. Feel stuck in a sticky situation or in challenging relationships? Want straightforward counsel to blast through it? Contact Jeannette for a confidential discussion. PS: She’s also a two-time Amazon International Best-Selling Author!
A note from Jeannette about how to create solutions for quiet quitters: The challenge is that all employees need to take the initiative to develop their technical and other skills to have job satisfaction. As the boss, it's your responsibility to get into action to guide the development of these needed skills. Not sure where to begin? Contact me for a confidential conversation.
Quiet quitters often have unrecognized blind spots that get in the way of job satisfaction. It's essential for you to uncover them now, before you quit or are transferred or promoted to new positions (remember the Confucius quote: “Where ever you go, go with all your heart.”):?