Stop Putting People On A Pedestal - they don't belong there.
Stories are a fundamental part of being human. From a very young age we hear tales about heroes, inventors, conquers and other ‘wonderful’ people. One of the reasons we get told these stories is because the messengers hope they inspire us. To help us eventually become somebody to look up to one day.
While there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to inspire people. I disagree with the often under looked consequence namely: putting people on a pedestal. Just because somebody performed an act that is deemed by society as good or inspiring does not mean this person therefore needs to be idolized. Why not? Because it’s not fair to them. By putting people on a pedestal, we might think we are doing them a favor. Actually, we aren’t. What is really happening is we apply unrealistic expectations on a human being. This person therefore can feel a constant need to live up to this idealized version of themselves. Well, good luck with that. Another reason why putting people on a pedestal is unhelpful is because we tend to close our eyes for their flaws. In order to protect our own version of that induvial in our head.
It's not rocket science. People are imperfect and will therefore make mistakes. Sooner or later your favorite artist, musician, athlete, or actor turns out to be human. The painful downfall that follows is us realizing that they aren’t gods. They’re just like you and me, fallible individuals. So, can we not look up to anyone then? Well... I think we can. Just don’t assume your role model to be perfect. Or look for particular traits and skills that you admire in human beings. Instead of human beings that you admire because of their skillset. Oh, and once again, please stay away from the pedestal. It’s meant to crumble. ?