Stop Programming - Start Prompting
Prompting is the new programming

Stop Programming - Start Prompting

A little over a year ago I told my students that the best learnings are on YouTube. Today I emphasize this, the speed of transition that AI is putting our Industry in means that if you’re not learning actively, almost every day – you’ll soon find yourself out of a job.

Have you tested Lovable or Make? If not, go ahead right away to start playing around, it’s not a joke – seriously programming is becoming less of a skill – more of a toolset that anyone can play around with so you can create amazing app’s in a few days if you put your mind to it.

A favorite Youtube’r of mine have become IncomeStreamSurfers that is quite technical however not so sneeky (a lot of Youtuber’s just claim you’re going to be rich by watching) who is pushing stuff out almost daily.

So for you who aren’t into this already, go ahead and try – nothing bad can happen – best of all “everything is free to try out” so no costs involved.

Happy Prompting!!

Lennart Svanberg


Senior Projekt- och Utbildningsledare | Verksamhetsledning | Utveckling av koncept och processer

1 个月


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