STOP-portunities: get your life back

STOP-portunities: get your life back

I have started this year with a different mindset.?I am taking back my life.

Usually in early January I make all sorts of pacts with myself to do new things, add more to my plate or take up something new. Many of us embark on some new quest with no reason other than it being January. The very time we are meant to feel relaxed and refreshed.?

And what happens?

A new year. A new load of guilt. More expectation put on you, by you. Which often leads to new year failure.

What did YOU pledge to do this year?

  • Start your MBA?
  • Finish your MBA?
  • Run a marathon?
  • Get your dream job?
  • Take up chess? (as if!)
  • Learn Spanish (lol, I don’t know anyone who actually EVER learnt Spanish, despite their promises).

No more.

My resolution for 2023 is to take advantage of more STOP-portunities in life. By this I mean a declutter of the habits and beliefs that are holding me back, negatively impacting my life and limiting me. Opportunities to STOP.?

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For example, I have invested many years and much emotion in some friendships that aren’t reciprocated and have passed their shelf life. I realised that I was the one holding them together. I felt sad because of the poor return I have been getting. Now I am investing in a better relationship with myself and those that matter most.

I have some annoying habits around social media that frustrate me. No more. I am getting those 2 hours of screen time each day back, in exchange for real life in-person connection.

I will create more time and space by STOPPING things that don’t serve me and adding those that do. AKA STOP-portunities.?

My STOP-portunities for 2023.

I am going to:

- stop giving time to toxic people: life is too short for time wasters.

- stop feeding friendships with one-way friends; the ones that make no effort or think it’s all about them.

- stop TV: I haven’t watched terrestrial TV in over a year. Now I have removed the TV completely. No, more MAFS. I now exist in reality instead!

- stop mowing the lawn. My lawn is 2 acres and cutting it impacts my leisure time. It is now outsourced.?

-stop Tweeting. I deleted Twitter. It’s out of my life after being a distraction for too long. Gone.

Solid returns

In return I feel so more positive and am doing the things that I WANT, not the things I feel I should be doing.??

I get an entire afternoon back once a fortnight from outsourcing my mowing. Perhaps another whole day or more each week being off social media and not watching TV.?

Want to end the crap and amplify the good?

Do these three things.

-??Think where the STOP-portunities are in your life.

-??Consider their cost/benefit, and how they serve you.

-??Make the change. Take away, don’t add to your already complex life.

I promise you this feels way better than learning Spanish or running a marathon. And think of all that dead weight you will lose trimming away those toxic friends!

Simplicity is harder than complexity. But it’s way more fun and that’s the whole point, isn’t it?

What will you ditch and what will you be dialing up? Share in the comments. I love hearing from you :)

Paul Matthews helps leaders and teams lift impact and trust with powerful conversations.

He is a speaker, mentor and coach and has over 25 years experience helping leaders and organisations to improve, change and grow.

Learn more at or reach out at [email protected] or +61458566179

Alison Glynn-Baker

Strategic communications | Internal communications manager | Executive communications | Employee engagement

1 年

Paul Matthews , love it! I did actually learn Spanish but took a break in 2010 and have now likely unlearned it. And in 2021 started accepting the reality of some one-way acquaintanceships and friendships. Sad at first, then liberating. This pandemic era has taught me that life is short and it’s a gift. Here’s to more STOP-portunities in 2023.

Angela Tsoukatos

SydWest Multicultural Services Chairperson, Non-Executive Director, Accomplished C-Suite Executive , Cultural Transformation Leader, Diversity & Inclusion Champion & Executive Coach

1 年

This is pure gold, Paul. I have quite a few habits I need to STOP -portunities. So I can make it stick, I’m working on what it means to let go. Some of my habits that don’t serve me are intertwined with my identity, so a little bit of soul searching required. Happy to chat about this sometime.

Janine Shamley-Jackson

Director, Communications

1 年

I love this Paul. I resisted making resolutions this year because I didn't want to take anything on but now I feel inspired to think through what I can cull. Mental freedom!

Paul Matthews

I help leaders and professionals improve. Prioritise progress, lift your impact and get better results. Bestselling Author | Top Voice for Leadership | No BS.

1 年
David Parsons ESM

Director Crisis Management Australia

1 年

Great advice Paul


