Stop Playing Gemes with God! "Period...."

Stop Playing Gemes with God! "Period...."

“So many individuals still believe the same people, who created “many” deadly viruses causing so much pain and suffering, so many deaths, even many to their own loved ones. The same false reporting and same fake news of numbers!”

“As they continue slowly, oh, ever so slowly, removing more and more human rights, around the world, and even within the cities and states, where the blind are continuing being led by the blinded.”

“The very same people are continuing to lie and steal, peace and joy and happiness; through hatred and hurting and harming, allowing raping and murder everywhere, and many calling for greater of these things. Openly before all mankind, does the evil working and perverted Ness, become more and greater wide-spread, in your cities and towns; as more and more, False and fantasy living become of the greater rewards of and for the things of this world.”

“These are the very same people who continue to usher out fear, through lies and false reports and numbers!”

“Yes, the virus’ is real, and yes the virus’ has caused suffering and hurt and sorrow and death! Yet for the ones who paid to have it created in the lab are the same ones who have joined forces in trying to continue to say there has been a decrease in the hurt and sufferings and deaths their evilness has brought about. People can you not at least tell these fake and lying facts being released, the blindness and lack of hearing must be totally blind and unable to hear!”

“But believe me when it comes to evilness; they are not blind nor hard of hearing!”

“Yet they continue to also relay these lies from these individuals and groups of liars; who also have changed clothes and backings as they so desire and feel the need to, continue making it seem as though they are for this group or that, remaining for none other’s but themselves.; in and by forming lies and ways of keeping the eyes and ears off of themselves, by forming fantasy lies against the people.”

“Once finished with one group or people, they discard them right in front of the world, continuing to usher about burning and stealing and destruction in so many cities and states in the nation!”

“Calling themselves free to be and do and perform in whatever means they themselves so desire in doing so.”

“Desiring to enslave not one race or people, but desiring to enslave the entire race of human mankind! For evil is not after just you, yet, one person at a time gathers more and more for them, and against the Only True Ever Living One God, they are after everyone, and their leader can not be named, nor seen nor known to human natural man, because it is the evil spiritual workings in high places which has won so many over; simply like a third of the angel’s within the heavens.”

“They can deceive and lie to in order of whatever means of evilness it so must usher out; in the order of satan himself!”

“Here take this pill or that medicine, “They say in offering of their fixes for their evil creations; it should help, maybe, possibly, but the side effects will leave most worse off than they started.”

“The evilness has even come up with ways and helps and medicines, for allowances of so many living within abominations, against human kind, nature and God Himself.”

“Evilness he has already mocked God, and failed in his own forevermore, shall you too?”

“They continue to fence themselves off and believe they are and will be protected by guards of military individuals who, they are against, police and all law enforcement! Including the only true Help which is God, Himself.”

“These are the very ones so many businesses and leaders continue to follow after! In fear of not being allowed to perform business, if they do not adhere, to the forces of pure evilness being forced upon them.”

“So many today, individuals because of their highest reason of having the perform work in these such places, surrender nor longer they will and desires for good and goodness, for what they themselves know is right; to the forces of the world’s FALLEN EVILNESS, FROM THE VERY ONE’S, GOD Himself warned us all about; even up to and causing the same even greater harm to be upon their own children and their children’s, children. Givin into and agreeing with even murdering of so, so many unborn babies, simply because the sex drive and desires of so many have become acceptable over the responsibilities, which good and righteous reasonings of teaching and bringing up their own children in the ways of God.”

“Now in these days in history being made, even the man made churches and religions, everyone of them, created by man, or evil purposes, have become businesses, profit centers, and controlling places of no longer knowing God at all.”

“Yet just as it has been written, just as it has been spoken out of the mouth of God Himself, so ae these days now, upon this earth. While so many live their own lives and teaching their own children of the ways and things of this fallen people away from God, forgetting even who God is, and believing God is no more.”

“So, sad, that those who have become or have been placed in charge of large businesses, are showing just how unwise they truly are; by continuing to provide this fake and false information to their own employees and workers; causing continued fear and breaking down the very businesses they have been entrusted to ensure for!”

“Believing the vaccine is the answer of saving lives, while continuing to weekly and monthly only hear of new problems and sufferings and deaths because of this untested vaccine!”

“Yet, man say, we can no longer reveal evil as evil, even from the man made churches and religions, the businesses and their leaders no longer allowing the Truth of God within their work places, the schools by man closed God out from within the open, even the courts of the world, stand for and allowing these evil already told and spoken about from God, Himself, to be their allowances.”

“Shame on anyone and everyone who continues to play the guessing games for the lawless and corrupt group behind the fence, the fences no longer made by man, but by their spiritual evilness’ accepted by themselves.”

“Shame on those who have fallen into the lawless agendas of the corrupt and power grabbing wishers of bringing down this great nation right in front of your eyes and ears!”

“Shame, Shame, Shame! And their fall shall be great, and forevermore, “Just as it has been written, and spoken out of the mouth of God, Himself.” “Period….”

“The PURE EVIL is real and yes it is hurtful and harmful; yet just like any other DESIRED EVILNESS, they too have created in labs and have funded; yet yelling to defund the police! Such dumbness and how many continue to follow such evilness, and WHY?”

“Simply, and Truly, also, because that is just how it has been written and spoken out of the mouth of God.” “Period….” “God created and even predestined for His Word shake, and God shall truly have mercy of those He will have mercy upon, and God will not have mercy upon those He does not have mercy upon.” “Period….”

“Such a True reason and reasoning, for “all” who truly know God, to hold back nothing, to not be ashamed, and to worship God, Himself for creating these He shall have mercy upon, before all mankind, the angels and the entire creation itself.” “Period….”

“Because you know not what you are doing, nor do you know the Word of God; yet you come against the very Word of God because you know God not! That is just how simple this all has become!”

“God is the only one who can save you, none other:” “PERIOD….” He has even shown all mankind this; by allowing every man made god to be brought to their knees; showing that no other can save not even one other!”

“Not Sports, not money, not businesses, not medicines, not vaccines, not governments, no other, not one other! God and God alone!”

“Yet you have believed foolishly that the mask upon your face will add even one more second into your life! So, So, So, Sad!”

“A cloth or better yet better to wear two right! Sad very SAD; that so many have become tricked and believe such lies and deceitful ness!”

“How, can I be so sure?”

“Because simply, “that is not how it has been written, nor spoken out of the mouth of God.”

“People repent and turn towards God, who can save both Spirit and soul and body; who also is the only Salvation whatsoever to whomsoever!”

“O, when we get enough people vaccinated, O, wear a mask and it will save you, O, listen to those who have opened all the boarders and those who desire to destroy America from the inside, outward.”

“But remember this, no great nation has ever fallen from being attacked from outer forces, no... they have all fallen from within!”

“Please, I beg you, because God Loves you too; people wake up and think on your own, stop being lead around by lies! You are smarter than this.”

Have the zombies (on the CDC page) (Yes go check it out for yourselves, it’s right there in front of everyone); already become everywhere, following those calling themselves the brains so needed to feed them? And these are whom you have decided and desire to follow after? Rather than God Almighty! O, foolish generation of believers! Listen and hear the only Truth of where you have fallen so far away from God, that you now follow after this foolishness!”

“But know this, that in the last days, perilous times will come;

For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, (those who came before you, and taught you of a nation and its freedoms and liberties and just ways, for all man)! Unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, BRUTAL, (burning and looting, raping and beating up old and young people, stealing and having brutal ways), despiser of good, (calling good evil and evil good),

Traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,

Having a form of godliness but denying its power.

And from such people turn away!”

2 Timothy 3:1-5

“For these have already truly lost, and they shall no more be allowed to bring their sufferings, hurts, harm, sorrows, and even death upon not one other.”

“For the direction from God Himself, written so many years ago, yet speaking of a day and season coming! Where men shall worship the creation rather than the Creator; where men shall force lawlessness and corruption everywhere, over anything which is truth and right! Where men shall hide themselves away from all others and take up forceful lying over good judgements; where everything which has been hidden and performed in the secret and darkened places for generations, shall be brought out into the open, right in the faces of all mankind! Because the enemy and abominations against God shall know they only have but a little while longer!”

“Know this that as True and Powerful as these Words of God have now become right here and right now; even from times of old, spoken about by the prophets and Jesus Christ Himself!”

“I truly am not sugar coating anything, rather speaking of the evilness or God’s Righteousness.” “There simply is not time for sugar coating anything, nor should there eer have been nor become such allowed.”

“So is every Word ever spoken out of the mouth of God Almighty! It all must become and come to “pass!” In order that the sons and daughters of the only ever One God; shall have His Glory ushered into and upon the earth, as never before!”

Awaken people, awaken Church, awaken Children of God! For while the greatest battle of man is upon all; So is the rewarding of the Righteous in Christ Jesus!”

“So, fear not and truly on purpose, rejoice and turn from these wicked people and their ways; while they themselves have become so deceived and lustful for their evil ways they have so desired on their own to follow after; stop allowing their foolishness and harmful ways to be that of your own even a little bit of following!”

“Stop being luke warm in your ways and thoughts they are doing, and releasing and pressing everywhere toward you!”

“Arise Church and unite once again, arise Sons and daughters of the Almighty God! Take back by force the earth through your own desires if wanting God, at all times in everything and everywhere! Declaring Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords! As Savior and as your desire for His Kingdom to Come and His will be done on earth as it is in the heavens!”

“For God’s will shall be done and this evilness shall pass! Fear not any longer little children, for God is with you who believe, and if God be for you who can be against you?”

“Simply, because it has been written and spoken out of the mouth of God Himself.”

“Because God through Jesus has already freely given and allowed those in Him, to already pass from death into Life ever-lasting in the beheld new city and new earth and new heavens!”

“Glory to God for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!” Let God be praised from every mountain top in the heavens and upon the earth! For God is One and He is coming soon!”



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