Pia Granjon
| Trauma & Complex Trauma therapist | Dissociation, DID | LCSW/Assistante de Service Social | Soc. Anthropol. | Clin. Hypn. | Complex Trauma Treatment Affiliates, Boston | Fr. & Engl. |
This young person craves attention -They were not seen enough growing up
This young person fantasises having a protector - They were not enough protected as a child
This young person wants to be hurt by their lovers - so They can feel their body
This young person offers their body as an exchange of goods for experimenting that need of being seen, protected and for feeling the presence of their body.
They are not protected, they are not seen and their body is being hurt
and that question during the session; do you think I have been raped ?
That was one session with much to unfold around self's needs and protection and what is felt
how to express STOP / NO rather than letting the other help themselves and not saying anything.
A space to shake beliefs around consent, how to express it; one's guilt . . .
One session between others; creating space for body expressions, emotionsm feelings, questions, doubts, realisation, new perspectives