S.T.O.P. Perfectionism - T is for Tenderness

S.T.O.P. Perfectionism - T is for Tenderness

In keeping with the 4 steps to overcoming perfectionism,?step 2 is Tenderness.

This is something I personally struggled with when I was working on myself to try and overcome the traumas and limiting beliefs that were linked to my perfectionism: I used to?beat myself up, about beating myself up.

As if beating myself up for being a perfectionist was not bad enough, I was now beating myself for not being kind to myself…

I was?trying to be perfect at overcoming my perfectionism. The irony!

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Tenderness is about allowing yourself that space to be kind to yourself,?to know that the process will take time and that not every day will be a good day:

  • There will be days when you will feel alive and positive
  • And there will also be days when something will trigger you and your negative thoughts and fears will reappear.

But when it happens, it is important to?keep your negative thoughts and fears from spiralling out of control!

The first key to overcoming negative thinking is to?observe your thoughts.?

Only when you can?identify and acknowledge these negative thoughts, can you?reframe them and move on.

To explore the other 4 steps?watch the full video?on my YouTube channel.

And before you stop reading, remember:

Be kind to yourself!

You are worth it!

You are enough!

You've got this!


