If you think you are paying too much for your health insurance, you probably are. With this coverage, you can choose your own physician/specialist & clinic/hospital. All your preventive care is 100% covered. This company has 3 plans to choose from. Below is the plan I have recommended to my clients and choose to go with for my family of 4. We pay $449.00 a month for a $1,500 Deductible.
UNDER 30 30-65 OVER 65
Single: $149 per mo. $199 per mo. $224 per mo.
Couple: $249 per mo. $299 per mo. $349 per mo.
Family: $399 per mo. $449 per mo. $499 per mo.
Individual: $500
Couple: $1,000
Family: $1,500
Once you meet your deductible 100% of any medically necessary bills will be covered. – There is NO enrollment period. You can sign up with this company anytime. I can work with anyone in the United States. If you would like to see a plan, email me your information below.
1. First & Last Name
2. Phone Number
3. State you live in
4. Email Address
Best Regards,
Utecht Insurance Agency
Email ~ [email protected]