STOP for a Moment of Relief

STOP for a Moment of Relief

Welcome to the new weekly for #tamingyourtension tips and insights that soothe your stress and boost your energy increasing healthy happiness throughout every day!

I'm Wendy of Wiseman Integrative , home of Happier Healthier Humans taming the tensions of modern living with simple health strategies that create ease and efficiency with less effort so that you enjoy more energy for doing the things you love.

Healthy doesn't have to be complicated!

These weekly tips will show you the way!

So let's start with STOP!

If you're a member of the Happier Healthier Humans group here on LinkedIn you may have already seen this posted as the #weeklychallenge that we release every Monday.

(PSST - You can join the group here: )

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STOP Challenge!?

Take a quick dip into mindfulness by using a technique called “STOP” 2-3 times a day.

If you're getting ready to head into the Thanksgiving holiday, this is a great strategy to help you slow down and enjoy every moment!

?The STOP technique is a 4-step mental checklist that takes less than a minute to do – but it can pay off in less stress, more awareness, and an added sense of being “in the moment” vs. being caught up in your thoughts (or on your phone).

?Here’s how to do it:

Stop what you are doing?

Take a few breaths to center yourself & become more present

Observe yourself without judgment: emotions, thoughts, & physical sensations?

Proceed with greater awareness?


While you’re in observer mode, try not to get too caught up in what it all means.?

Instead, simply take a step back and note what’s going on. (Is the room cold? Are your shoulders tense? Are you content or worried? etc.)

You might find that this technique helps you be more intentional about how you respond to what’s happening around you.

Aim for 2-3 “STOP” breaks every day this week.

?Will you be joining this challenge? Let me know!

If you're interested in support or suggestions to guide you in mindful practices for stress reduction boosting healthy happiness, let's have a chat: BOOK A CALL

Meanwhile you'll find loads of terrific tips and free trainings in the public areas of the Tension Taming Toolbox

Coaching and courses I create are rooted in the WISE Way formula for Longevity Success was created to make healthy living seem easy and almost effortless.

Here's a perfect 6-step method for Taming Your Tension during the THANKS-giving holiday!

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You deserve to live a vibrant, energetic life! You deserve PRAISE !!

EThe T3????Tension Taming Toolbox is a new community and membership providing tools for life as well as the supportive sharing and resources you need so that you enjoy the stress less healthy happiness you crave.

You can get Incredible Lifetime Value with your early enrollment if you don't mind the construction remodeling and you're excited about building community and having impact with your input as we grow! Use CODE "22SPECIAL" Here

Message me for more information or to discuss collaboration.

Make it a great day - the WISE Way!


Thanks Wendy, STOP is a powerful word, it gets your attention

James Shugar

homeless advocate-Tv Host "Homeless Tv"- Founder of Salem Homeless

2 年


Val Roskens Tews

Content marketing writer for authors and coaches | ?? Your “content creation partner writer” creating impactful content to help you inspire others through your message and build a community of *business friends* ??

2 年

Wendy S Wiseman - The "STOP" technique sounds interesting and definitely worth trying! Thank you for sharing this!


