STOP medicating our workers!
Is your first aid kit re-stocking company putting your company in breach of the WSIB first aid regulations?
Have you opened the workplace first aid kit of late and check for expired lotions, liquids, and medications? Well, you damn well should! I have audited all over Ontario and repeatedly have open workplace kits that are bursting with items that are “out of the realms of first aid”. I have taken at times up to 6 types of medication out of kits and reported to constructors and companies that this is not only in breach of the WSIB first aid Regulations, it is dangerous and very costly!
I see invoices for $200- $400 dollars nearly monthly for re-stocking just 1 kit, a brand-new kit is $150-$200 for the general job site. $400, that could buy 6 basic harnesses, or a dozen hard hats, gloves, eye protection, hell we may not need first aid if we protect and prevent workers from being injured, we will not need first aid supplies!
First aid does not allow us to prescribe pain killers so why are we allowing companies to slip in and stock our first aid kits full of crap we simply don’t need and should not have in our workplace first aid kits.
Please assign someone who is qualified to oversee the first aid in your workplace, check the invoices your paying (no first aid reports, no need for top-ups). I am all for freedom of sales but please be sure that someone else’s business is not putting your own at risk. For more information, or to contact me with a question or for a consultation please visit
#heidibrookes #mytwocents #firstaid
Heidi Brookes.