Stop Marketing Just Because You REALLY NEED THE MONEY!
Smelling Your Fear

Stop Marketing Just Because You REALLY NEED THE MONEY!

At some point or another, we have all intensified our marketing because we really needed the money.

Maybe we faced an unexpected expense or our cash flow slowed to a problematic trickle.

Perhaps that big deal that we were counting on failed to materialize, even though we had already allocated, or even spent, the money that we were anticipating.

Whatever the reason, we were pushed to more aggressive marketing because we really, really needed the money.

I don’t know about you, but my experience at extreme marketing driven by an acute need for money has never worked out well.

It’s A Dog’s Life

It’s kind of like that belief that because dogs can smell fear on you, they’ll become more aggressive and possibly attack.

But instead of choosing the fight option, prospective clients choose flight when they sense our no-money fear.

To set the record straight, research has shown that

“ …dogs can’t necessarily smell the emotion that is fear.
“They can, however, detect smells and see movements and body postures that may help them sense when a person is nervous, anxious, or afraid.”

Like dogs, many people can sense when others are nervous, anxious, or afraid. This is particularly true of police officers and others involved in law enforcement and security. (That’s probably why I am typically subjected to more intense scrutiny at airports and border crossings. Invariably, security clearances stress me like crazy … which the security officers sense …. which in turn triggers their more careful scrutiny … which triggers even more stress for me. But I digress…sorry about that).

Applying the findings of the dog-focused research to humans, it seems to me that as humans we can also see movements and body postures that may help us sense when a person is nervous, anxious, or afraid.

And that is exactly why it’s a good idea to stop marketing just because you really need the money. Instead of attracting more ideal clients, it will probably chase them away.

In other words, marketing driven by a serious need of money generates a sense of neediness … and who wants to hire a needy service professional?

Isn’t that why clients hire us? …because they need our help?

Andrew’s Story

Andrew (a client whose name and identifying details have been changed to ensure confidentiality) hit a cash drought and really need the money to pay his bills. Initially he contacted me for help in kick-starting his marketing. However, once reassured that that his cash flow crisis was not the end of the world, together we developed a marketing action plan to restore his cash flow.

Andrew started by shifting his focus from worrying about his own pressing need for money to helping people who would benefit from his service … potentially ideal clients.

He did this through his free Facebook group and three-times a week blog posts, also shared as LinkedIn articles.

He then hosted a free five-day challenge, helping participants with quick tips and suggestions in daily Q & A sessions.

After the challenge ended, he launched a six-week course at a special low price. Over the next 30 days, he enrolled clients in the course and towards the end of this period increased the special low price by 50%.

And within a few months, he enjoyed his first $15,000 month. What a turn-around!

A New Beginning for Your Story

Are you marketing because you really need the money?

If you are struggling to generate the new business that you want … and deserve …to grow your business, what are you getting out of that experience?

What ineffective practices and limiting beliefs are keeping you stuck?

Think back to why you started your service business, free of pressing need of money.

Reconnect with what you love doing and are really good at –serving and satisfying ideal clients.

What needs to happen for you feel safe from money pressures so that you can attract and serve more ideal clients with ease and joy?

What is the new beginning for your story?


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