STOP lying to your wife
Mauricio Rocha
??Entrepreneur. Owner of JMR Group. ??Elite Coach for Married BusinessMen
I was once a liar.
Drinking all the time.
Drug user
Poor excuse of a man.
until I decided to STOP LYING.
Some of you guys out there need to come clean with your wives. Whatever it was.
An affair you had…
Money that you hid…
Money that you spent…
Something you did!
A secret that just eating at you from inside.
?You need to just get rid of that shit bro.
?Sometimes it could be like small stuff, little white lies that sometimes you tell for no reason.
Because you're a liar, just like me, just like every other man, every other person that is breathing. We lie.
But we work at it, right? We want to be better than that.
?Get rid of your secrets, man. It’s like a poison inside of you. I know what I'm talking about. Because I was that man.
?Most married men have secrets. Most married women have secrets. But I'm not talking to the women. That's not who my audience is.
I'm talking to the men, husbands.
?There's some shit in your past, recent or from a long time ago that you need to come clean. It is eating you inside. And sometimes you don't even realize it because you're so sedated that you don't remember it for months and then it hits you.
??And how much longer are you going to wait?
?How much time are you going to waste?
?How much time are you going to keep wasting in YOUR life and in HER life?
?It's hard to come clean. I get it. It can be one of the hardest things to tell the truth.
?I get it. If you are used to lying, I understand that's hard.
But once you get used to telling the truth and live without any lies and any secrets, then it becomes easier.
?I promise it will become easier.
?You know I'm talking to you.
?What are you going to do?
??Are you going to keep ignoring my message? Because It's going to come a point that you're going to have to release this pressure.
?I invite you, brother. Get the truth out.
I promise that on the other side, you're going to find the peace you're looking for.
?It's your decision.
And if you need help I am here to help you.