Stop looking for the One Thing
Else Kramer
Taking you from Bottleneck to Catalyst | Leadership & Business coaching for entrepreneurs, founders & executives | ADHD | Hypnotist | Speaker | Podcaster | Interdisciplinary Superconnector
It's so tempting to think that there is a magic formula for life, health, wealth.
That all you need to do is find the key.
Our brains love to think in black and white (so much so that I've already devoted two podcast Episodes to how to counteract this).
But the world, life, growth doesn't work that way.
Yet we still secretly think that if we just find that magic door to open, everything in our life which is now a bit of a mess will snap into place, and we'll live happily ever after.
And we get marketed to that part of us - because it's so tempting to think we can outsource our growth.
'All your business, financial, health problems forever solved - just one click and a credit card number away.'
I'm here to remind you that it never works like this.
That even if you see someone else achieve what looks like an overnight success, it's usually years in the making.
That growth is incremental.
And when we believe the opposite, that there is a magic formula to success, that one day you'll 'get it', we are also blinded to what we are achieving in the moment.
Those small steps we take every day.
Having a difficult conversations at work.
Setting a boundary with a loved one.
Sharing an article or post.
This weekend, I want you to become aware and recognise how much you've actually grown over the past five months.
Instead of constantly grasping for something outside you to get you to a place you think you need to go, turn inside.
What daily magic have you made, what solid small steps have you taken?
See it, and thank yourself for it.
And then rest.
Rest in the knowledge that this is the secret to success: putting one foot in front of the other until you've reached your destination.
Which is so much easier if you also get to enjoy the journey.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Else a.k.a. Coach Kramer
P.S. You can find podcast Episodes 12 & 13 on Black and White thinking on your favourite podcast app, or on my site: