Stop looking for the next Silicon Valley: America is full of high-tech talent

This article was originally posted on Forbes


There’s been a lot of talk lately about where the next Silicon Valley will emerge. A recent job market report showed that the share of high-tech jobs has been growing quickly in places like Seattle and the D.C. area, while San Francisco and San Jose -- the two poles of Silicon Valley -- have seen their share decline. Meanwhile, the highest tech salaries are also increasingly concentrated in these cities, along with places like Austin, Boston, and Raleigh, N.C.

While interesting, this narrative misses a broader point -- the population of skilled developers is growing throughout the United States, beyond high-tech hubs. We recently conducted a study examining coding challenge submissions from 450,000 developers across the U.S. (roughly 12% of software developers in the country).

The Best Developers in the U.S.

The data revealed that some of the best developers live in parts of America you probably wouldn’t expect. It’s important for any business looking to expand its pool of talented engineers -- which these days is nearly every business in America.

The most skilled developers are no longer in Silicon Valley. Our study found that programmers in Washington state -- home to Amazon and Microsoft -- are more skilled than their counterparts in California. And the small concentration of developers in Wyoming takes second place. Additionally, developers in New Mexico, Wisconsin, South Dakota and Nevada all scored higher than their counterparts in New York, which has the second-largest number of developers.

America is full of developer talent, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise. Universities have worked hard to support a massive uptick of interested in computer science programs, and smart students know that programming is where many of the best employment opportunities lie. Thanks to the rise of remote workers, talented developers know they can stay where they live and find a job. Developers are no longer flocking to Silicon Valley.

More than just talent, the sheer volume of developers has started to shift. California still has the most by far, but our study revealed the highest growth is happening elsewhere. Colorado, Virginia, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania all saw their developer activity surge between 2015 and 2016. Only in seven states did the coding population grow more slowly than in California, including Delaware and South Carolina.

Finally, the jobs are also moving. Seattle, Washington D.C., Detroit, Denver and Austin have all seen their share of developer jobs grow sharply since 2012, according to the Glassdoor report. But in San Jose -- in the heart of Silicon Valley -- the share of software jobs has fallen by 8 percent over the same period, more than any other metro area in the country.

The Bottom Line

In summary, while the highest paying jobs are still concentrated in the big high-tech hubs, the location of jobs and talent are fanning out across the rest of the U.S. There’s a few reasons for this, and while none of them are shocking, they have important implications for how the technology industry is likely to expand in this country over the next decade.

First is the inexorable march of technology into every business. Yes, software is eating the world, but more than that, it’s become fundamental to how all companies connect with their customers, expand sales and design products. Companies that build cars, operate plants and move goods from one part of the country to another now need software engineers just as badly as companies that produce the software itself. Goldman Sachs has over 12,000 developers and is planning to hire thousands more in the next year. 

This spread of technology into other industries means engineers looking to work on exciting projects can look elsewhere besides Silicon Valley. Want to work on self-driving cars? Go to Detroit and work for Ford. Excited by blockchain? Ten banks in Chicago want to hire you. Those who graduate with a data science degree no longer have to relocate to the West Coast or Wall Street to make a good living; they can apply to any large business using data analytics, or join a startup just down the road.

None of this is to say that Silicon Valley will become irrelevant any time soon. Despite its slowing growth rate, California still has more than twice as many active developers as its closest rival, New York. And it’s still home to most of the leading companies shaping business and consumer tech, including Google, Salesforce, Facebook and Apple.

But it does mean the center of gravity in tech is shifting away from the Bay Area. The benefits of being close to Stanford and Sand Hill Road have been diminished by the high cost of living and the intense competition for talent. And if startups are clustering elsewhere, that only increases the pull on developers to those areas.

We should stop fixating on where the next Silicon Valley will emerge, because the answer really doesn’t matter. And as our own data shows, there’s plenty of talent residing in the spaces between. If you’re looking to build a technology startup, open a new engineering division or just find a high-tech job, there will be less and less need to relocate from where you are.

Read the full report on the United States of Developer here.

Rafael Martins de Castro

engenharia | gest?o de projetos | gest?o de opera??es

7 年

Excellent article. Thanks for sharing.



