Stop Looking for “Magic Wand” for Your Migraine Problem
A magic wand or magic pill which fixes all the problems which migraine is throwing at you. Many migraine sufferers are seeking that kind of solution for their struggles. Just like there’s no huge treasure trunk at the end of the rainbow, there is no “magic pill” nor magic wand which would fix all your migraine problems just like that. What comes to migraine medication, late Docent, neurologist Mikko Kalle, legend in migraine care circles from the medical side, said perfectly about migraine medication in early 2020 in the migraine treatment training session for medical doctors. “No migraine medication shouldn’t be used year around. This rule applies to all migraine medication, also for biological migraine medication products. If migraine medication is used regularly year around, it start to make more problems than it can ever fix”.
-?? Docent, Neurologist Mikko Kallela in January 2020
Do You Brush Your Tooth Daily Basis?
Do you brush them on a daily basis? I bet you do. At least I hope so, as it is important to your health. Not just for the sake of wellbeing of your tooth but your overall health. Why I’m bringing up this issue? Well, you see, migraine care requires same kind of regularity as keeping your tooth out of harm’s way. Let me put it this way. What would happen to your tooth if you’d brush them let’s say few times per week or few times per month? You’d start to get caries for sure! How about if you wouldn’t brush them at all? Jyrki, but that’s terrible! Why are you talking this way? I don’t even want to think of such a situation”! Well, I’m saying this to make a strong point which is clear as a bell. If you wouldn’t take care of your tooth on a daily basis, you’d be in terrible problems in the matter of couple of months if not even earlier. What this has to do anything with migraine sufferers? Well, migraine sufferers are living the life which is like they wouldn’t brush their tooth at all.
The Impact of Migraine
Even a singular migraine attack has a tremendous negative impact on your body. It’s more than all those symptoms you’re feeling when migraine attack is on. Each time, regardless of the type of migraine you have, there are following “extra” (negative byproducts) coming to mess you.
A)? Muscles near brains, especially suboccipital muscles m. levator scapulae, m.rhomboid minor, m. supraspinatus and m. infraspinatus m.sternocleidomastoid and m.scalenius are getting tremendous negative impact each time there is a migraine attack. What happens to these muscles is that they get muscle tension due to migraine attacks.
B)? Migraine attacks seem to kick muscles oxygen level down. Various reactions because of migraine attacks are pointing to this direction.
C)? Heartbeat level is still on higher level than usually on a next day after the migraine attack
These happen each and every time regardless of what type of migraine you are suffering from and how long the migraine attack lasts. When you multiple your migraine attacks with two, you are starting to get more clear picture on how many days migraine is directly impacting negatively. Due to this impact, if you are getting 3-4 migraine attacks on monthly basis, you are pretty soon also having tension headaches. That tension headache comes purely as a result of that level of migraine attacks. When you are thinking of what kind of impact your daily work and life has to your body and nervous system, the picture of migraine’s impact start to become more clear. Occasional or long term stress, possible other diseases, physical and mental trauma incidents and sleeping problems are common accelerators and elements which are maintaining the bad status where migraine attacks are appearing regularly and keep coming more and more frequently. What does this all means? It means that migraine alone autonomously is causing so much more other problems alongside of the core of the migraine attack. When you think of determination of migraine.
Migraine is a brain and nervous system disorder whose symptoms almost always include intense headaches.
Few typical characteristics of migraine headaches include:
These are just basic and average characteristic of migraine symptoms. The key sentence which I want you to read at least few times and understand is the first line. Migraine is a brain and nervous system disorder. Now, think about what is the role of nervous system in human body? The nervous system’s function is to help all part of the body to communicate with each other. It also reacts to changes both inside and outside the body. The nervous system uses both electrical and chemical means to send and receive messages.
It’s a “Thunderstorm” Inside the Body
When you realize all these things about migraine, you realize that migraine is like a thunderstorm inside the human body. When that “thunderstorm” kicks in, it’s like lightning which hits the power plant's center and the whole power plant system goes nuts. That’s migraine.
You Need a Treatment Method
When you realize the true character of migraine, you understand that there’s not “magic pill” or “magic wand” or any other magic trick nor singular technique which can fix all the problems which migraine is causing. Due to fact that even singular migraine attack is causing negative impact on multiple level, the treatment protocol needs to have a strong positive impact on all those levels too. Otherwise it would be like massaging your cheeks if you have a caries on your teeth. You need to have a treatment method which has a direct impact on your nervous systems, brains, muscles and all the other levels where migraine affects negatively. No magic trick, no rocket science, but solid method which makes sense. The first major steps you need to take are understand the migraine’s character the way I just explained, have willpower to roll up the sleeves and do some work for the good of your health.
Regular migraine can make a life like you’d be living hell on earth combined socially, professionally and in so many ways dry as Death Valley during the summer months. It’s not nice if years or even decades are passing by and life is just constant suffering and limitations.
It can be completely opposite, it can be fruitful, rewarding and fun like a sipping cool refreshing drink under the palm tree.
If you are looking for the #1 way to gain a normal life without constant migraines where you are in charge, not a migraine, hit the subscribe button to receive notice of my latest articles directly to you.
Kind Regards
Jyrki M?kel?
Manual Migraine Specialist
P.S. Wish, hope and pray is hardly any kind of method. You deserve much better, don’t you think? If you would like to start recovering journey and that rewarding chapter, send me a message through WhatsApp: +358-40-130-7360 and request 30 minutes free of charge consultation. Let me know which time zone you are and I’ll get back to you online consultation session suggestions.