Stop looking for love and let it find you
Life is too short to run after someone who doesn’t even walk for you. It is not necessary to go behind when they already know where you are when they know your home and they know about your mysteries. So stop looking for love and let it find you.
You find true love by chance and when you least expect it. True love takes you by surprise, and it slowly prepares you. It teaches you to survive, to resist trials, torments and storms. Don’t waste your energy for anything and don’t bother.?
The truth is that there are people who do not care but who, nevertheless, do care. In these cases, it can be difficult for us to understand the situation, because interest in others does not speak the language of selfishness. But don’t look for something that they don’t offer you, don’t beg for it either.
Remember that your phone number is made up of the same digits and that, in reality, there is no lack of time, but rather a lack of interest. Think that when someone wants or needs something or someone, they can remove heaven and earth to share even a few seconds.
Do not search. Dragging ourselves and begging for crumbs of affection that they do not want to give us is not healthy in the short or long term. However, it is possible that certain samples come to affect us and that they serve us to look for reasons to continue anchored in the desire that this person remains in our life.
If we stop to think, all we do with that attitude is unnecessarily prolong emotional suffering. Submitting to the will of others makes us become puppets of their needs and cravings.
In this sense, obviously, there are things that happen because they have to happen, but there are others that happen when we make them happen. We cannot feel free or be happy if we live clinging and tied to hopes that others manage
Indulge in soul searching so you can become a better version of yourself. This way one will get attracted to you automatically.
Disclaimer:?The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you?…Don’t look, let the wind take away the unnecessary of your life
It is difficult to let go or let go of what we consider very yours, be it feelings or people. In other words, certain stones that we carry on our back are united by a feeling of identity and belonging that merges with our fear of losing something that we believe is so intense and important.
What's most important to him is how your relationship makes him?feel.
So when he feels like he's falling in love with you, commitment is a given.
He will go to the ends of the earth for you.
But if he doesn't get?that feeling, he'll always wonder if there's someone better out there and he'll want to keep his options open.
The fact is, men need much more than just the initial sparks of a new relationship to fall in love and commit to you.
He needs to feel like he's found the absolute best woman for him.?
He needs to feel like you are "The One."
Like he's won the game of love.?
However, even though all that emotional chaos ties us to certain people, we also end up getting tired of not being valued. When we realize this, we are likely to feel somewhat selfish, which is terrible for our emotional health.
Do you want to add a word or two?....
Feeling that if we do not endure a situation a little longer or that certain people are failing is something amazingly common. The foundation of this feeling is the fear that gives us to face the emptiness that the loss generates.
In other words, we feel that if we stop sacrificing ourselves, we lose the opportunity to build part of the emotional history of our lives. However, what we are really doing is behaving as cruelly as possible towards ourselves, our expectations and our desires.
The way to emotional freedom is built from the stones that we are releasing; that is, of toxic feelings and people that we are getting rid of.
Letting go is the only way to make room for our strengths, to accept our mistakes and to express our intentions and our commitment. In this way we avoid that the negative subtracts space from the positive, managing to increase our enthusiasm for life and our well-being.
Your Comments……
It is not stronger who supports more, but who is more capable of “letting go”
If it doesn’t bring joy to your life … LET IT GO
If it doesn’t light you up or build you … LET IT GO
If it remains but does not grow … LET IT GO
If it provides you with security and thus avoids the effort of developing … RELEASE
Begging love is not love, it is a lack of dignity, of self-respect. Because when you really love someone, you take care of them and avoid pain if you can do it, but do not provoke or believe it.
So if you don’t take care of those “false loves”, if you don’t avoid pain, you are not loving yourself.
Love must be demonstrated, not begged. To do so is to submit to our capacity to love the worst of executioners: indifference. Indifference lives on the imbalance in a relationship and is sustained thanks to the weak foundation.
There is nothing better than continued expressions of disinterest to start opening our eyes when we felt compelled to close them.
Then we realize that not all “love” is true love, that “love” does not always obtain reciprocity and that to be happy as a couple it is necessary for both members to laugh together, to be complicit and good lovers.
Only in the absence of lies, excuses and disinterest can love to be created that essentially bases its freedom on healthy behaviors and not on subjugations. We deserve that relationship that, having the freedom to choose, be close, based on appreciation, shared time and thoughts of mutual affection.
Realizing and saying goodbye to a love that does not love us and that does not show us care or affection requires that we respect our time of mourning. A duel that requires in itself a space for understanding what has happened to us.
?Mourning for love needs reflection and improvement because the anguish of realizing that someone doesn’t love us makes us feel that something is devouring us from within. We feel that this “no love” has betrayed our feelings and laughed at our ability to love.
No one can make you unhappy without your consent. To build a happy relationship, you have to care, love and value yourself. That is, we must show ourselves that we love each other every day.
Once we achieve this, we will be in a position not to look for those who do not surprise us and do not show interest, not surrender to the emotional executioner of indifference that tries to bend us with ignored messages or unfounded silences.
It does not matter the loves that disappoint us, it does not matter that we feel that we are next to the love of our life or that we do not believe in eternal loves.
True and indispensable love is love for oneself and it will be from this feeling that we can separate and assert what we deserve and what we do not deserve.
You are my best friend, my lover and my soul mate. I couldn’t imagine life without you. You give me so much joy that sometimes I am lost for words to describe it. You are the only one I want to wake up to or go to bed with. I love you now and forever.
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Author and Clinical Nutritionist , Internationally Certified Skin Specialist Writer At Times of Canada
2 年Indeed , I needed it today .Greatful for sharing
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
2 年Searching for love can be bad, as this will become your main focus, instead of on focusing on your own needs and wellbeing. Why shouldn’t you look for a relationship? You shouldn’t look for a relationship because you don’t know when the ideal person can appear. Maybe that day is today or the next week, maybe you should wait a few more years. But the wait is worth it because when it comes it will be a perfect time. You shouldn’t either search or wait for love. Pay attention to those around you, to the landscape, change your routine. Give yourself more time and more attention. Periodically ask yourself what you would like to do, try, practice or simply change in your life. You make my days brighter and brighter. Me? I can’t stop smiling whenever I think about you. There’s nothing more unifying than love and a shared bond of memories. When we met by chance, we made a pact to always be best friends and through it all, we remain that way. And love will find you.