Stop LinkedIN from becoming another unsocial, Social networking site!
Richard Long
Working in partnership with the best Renewable Energy companies throughout DACH.
After having yet another busy week in the office, and a jam packed Saturday, I managed to put aside some personal time to reflect on work and a few personal goals on Sunday afternoon. To put things into perspective for you, we are looking to double in size over the next 12 months and this responsibility has fallen directly onto my lap, so a busy year ahead! Excited! Obviously their should be some personal goals thrown in, so I put together a 4QP to help me keep on track and to remain focused on them. Most are based around the family but the odd personal treat along the way for good measure.
My first point of call was to see what linkedin had to offer on a Sunday in regards to proactive recruiters, working in their spare time (you know, the ones we all want to hire as they go the extra mile) or clients looking for new staff before the rat-race starts the following morning. I was surprised to see just how active the UK and EU markets were at 4pm Sunday afternoon. Especially as it was probably one of the last sunny days of the year in the UK. Surely this is one of those times when you should be at your social peak with family or friends making up for all the hrs you spend at work during the week? 1st thing that got me thinking about our online social behaviours. I know Pot kettle Black.
I managed to identify a few potential candidates for Jefferson Wolfe and had a long in-mail conversation with a new client, who in fact called me this morning having signed our terms, and then provided us with live and exclusive roles to work on. Plus an invite to see their new office in the heart of Berlin. Not bad for 45 minutes worth of investment?
My second point of call was to look at our Facebook page, to see what type of responses we have had to a few recent marketing posts. This didn't last long, so I thought how can we increase our response rate from this amazing social website that has changed how we share our lives with one another. Q.What is trending on Facebook that will get some coverage? Well, I spent the next 2hrs looking at as many people's pages as possible to work out what this site is used for? My Research shocked me that much that it has prompted me to write this article...........FYI, I dont have a personal Facebook account so it may already be common knowledge to many of you.
Unsocial, Social networking!
Facebook seems to have the ability to prompt people to show off what they do or what they have blurring the line between what they want people to think that they have. This is followed with the desire to share pointlessness with their immediate network of both real and virtual friends. It also allows for you to play games with people you have never met with, spoken too or have any idea on their true identity (they now know when you are on holiday and have an empty home for 10 days). It prompts you to respond to one another's comments when they are sitting opposite them to say, WOW that looks nice LOL. checked in at Nandos. Lol Lol !!!! Then their is the ability of it prompting you to some how piss someone off with either making a comment or not being the case in some cases. But all of this is a sign of unsocial behaviour. For example, if i passed you a note at a restaurant saying nice dinner, I would be the Nutcase you would never admit to knowing. If mid way through a conversation i was tapped on the shoulder by someone and then ignored you to speak with them, I would be classed as rude. I know in society we tell our kids off for this all the time, but, and big BUT....when your like gets shared and then re liked, its OK for you to pick up your phone take a selfie of you and your cheap cocktail to re-post to that stranger you never met, or friend that you actually called a tit on an earlier post. All whilst ignoring the person in front of you?
I think that using facebook for business, certainly our type of business, may be fishing in the wrong pond. Linkedin, I truly believe has far more to offer. But in recent times there has been an increase in these un-business related topics coming up on the linkedin threads and news updates.
So what did I learn.
1) Don't spend time working when I am at home with the family, Facebook or LinkedIn, as I fall into this unsocial category.
2) Is Social networking the end of our social society? A Question yet to be answered.
3) Linkedin or any other networking site will never be able to do the job of a good business developer, recruiter or professional who's role revolves around speaking with people.
4) Don't get a personal facebook account and become a Sim.
Hope you enjoyed this, and it helps you think about your virtual and social networks more.
Richard Long
Director, Jefferson Wolfe Ltd