Stop Letting Your Mind Lead
Jenny Fenig
IMPACT WITHOUT BURNOUT | Coach for Entrepreneurs + C-Suite Executives | Group Facilitator | Champion of Women | Mom x3
I love this proverb: "The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
The message I get from this: don’t let your mind run the show. It’s not in charge. It has an important role to play, but it’s not the one that should be leading the way for you.
You have to learn to trust your intuition more. Trust the things that you just know (even when they don’t make logical sense). Trust your heart.
The role of the mind is to serve the truth of the heart.
When you are truly doing the work you are meant to be doing, you have to trust that the Universe will provide what is necessary for you to succeed. Doors will open for you. It will be up to you to decide that you’re worthy of walking through these doors.
Tune into this episode of Get Gutsy if you know it’s time stop living in your head and start trusting yourself more.
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