Stop Letting People Waste Your Time
When you’re a business owner, your time is so valuable. Wasting time on those “forever maybes” can not only waste your time but kill your drive. How many people do you have in your maybe funnel right now? How long have they been there?
I’ve recently placed a timeframe on my “maybe’s” and once they hit that time frame, I cross them off my list and I stop following up. I’m confident in my business and I know my knowledge is valuable.
You’re worth it.
Your Time is Valuable
Stop spending time on "maybe" clients and customers. If they aren't able to tell you "no" then they aren't able to make firm decisions in their own businesses. Working with clients who are wishy-washy creates a headache within your own business. Is this something that would benefit or slow your own business down? Seek out clients and customers who are sure of what they want, especially if you are a Service-Based business.
Now, I will say there are instances where you have to guide and direct people to which services are best for them. These are not the types of clients and customers I'm talking about. I'm referring to those who want a two hour free consultation and then spend three months "picking your brain" until they decide.
"Is your time better spent chasing maybes around the mulberry bush or finding a prospect who is actively seeking help?"
Your Services & Products are Valuable
You don't have to prove to everyone that your services and products are valuable. If someone doesn't believe you, say "next" and move on. If you've spent time and effort building your packages, your products, or your content then you know that it is valuable. There are clients and customers who want and need what you're selling. Spending too much time trying to convince someone they need your services will create a blind spot to those clients who already know that they need you and want to pay you what you're worth.
Are you ready to grow your business? I can help you target who you're trying to reach, show you the content your audience wants to see, plan your posts, schedule your content, and so much more.