Stop killing yourself!
Friday 12/6/19...
Every day at 12pm, I take my lunch break. The very first thing I do is take my dog out. Then, figure out what I want to eat and make myself some food.
I eat in my office so I can catch up on YouTube. Once I'm done eating, I clean up the kitchen and maybe do the quick odd chore around the house depending on the sitch-e-ation. At that point, it's typically been an hour, so I get back to work.
1pm is a prime time for me to book a call, so it's a good way to get me back into work on most days. However, yesterday was a bit different.
I had a fairly open afternoon and my plan was to write up a story on someone I had interviewed the day before. Let's just say, that's not exactly what happened.
I quickly got sucked into a YouTube spiral. Ya know, when you keep telling yourself 'just one more quick video.' But then another must-see video pops up in the recommended section... And let me tell you, I didn't' NEED to see a single one!
But I was in it and I convinced myself otherwise. Fairly easily I might add. I kept trying to pull myself away. I'd think, 'okay, let me put on some music and get back to work.' But those damn videos just kept tempting me to click on them!
After an hour of this, I managed to just close out the tab. I had finally won (heroic cheers). I knew I'd keep going so I said fuck it. I just had to break the cycle. It felt like a wasted hour of time, but ya know what, it's good to goof off occasionally.
I meticulously plan my day out every morning. I block out my calendar to know exactly how I need to spend that time productively. It helps to keep me focused and motivated, but I don't account for any breaks.
I'm not a robot, I'm only human! I work hard, I spend my time incredibly wisely, so it's okay to slow it down or take a break from time to time. When I worked in an office, there were constant distractions. I don't have that at home so I need to remember to distract myself some times.
Sure, I want to be successful - so I work hard, but at what cost? We need to stop killing ourselves. Take a break every now and then, enjoy the day, it's a gift. Work hard, play hard. There's so much more to life : )
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This is an entry from my personal daily journal and a snapshot of my journey in building a business. I started publishing these entries to hone my writing skills, reflect on my progress, and share my experiences first-hand.
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- Dan