The body will breathe. Either you will give it breath, or it will take the breath it requires.

I noticed this today when a client in one of my Creating Partnerships shared everything that was going on for him as his business starts to take off. Suddenly his life was full in a way it hadn't been for a while and he was experiencing overwhelm.

The moment he finished sharing all that was going on, he let out a big sigh.?

"And that's exactly how you navigate this evolution," I said.

He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Do what you just did."

"What did I just do?"

"Do it on purpose and earlier as your life fills with tasks and responsibilities."

"Do what?!"

"Breathe. Like you just did."


"Yes, did you notice you sighed deeply?"

"I did?"

"Yep. And to sigh deeply is the body taking the breath that it needs."I went on to explain not something I had come to the conversation knowing, but discovering in real time with my client.

Suddenly I was imagining myself in my pool, jumping into the water without preparing to hold my breath for long and gasping for the air by the time I came back to the surface. This I saw contrasted with the times I prepare my body by breathing deeply before I submerge and how I can swim around gently down there for what seems like ages before surprising my boys as I surface on the other side of the pool.

"Either you will breathe your body or your body will breathe you," I shared.

The same is said of rest. Either you'll rest your body or it will get sick and force you to rest.?

As our life and business expand in complexity and responsibilities - that thing we wanted - we can feel overwhelmed. The sigh we let out as a reaction to this overwhelm is the wisdom of our body providing itself with what it needs.?

If we listen to our own sighs and gasps as indicators of our body's needs, then we can take heed and with presence, we can breathe intentionally and earlier on.

We can breathe deeply before we open our calendar. We can breathe deeply as we transition from one email to the next. We can breathe deeply when we open the next zoom meeting. We can breathe deeply when we check our accounts. We can breathe deeply when we make a call or answer the phone.?

Breathing deeply, with the intention to provide the body with the breath it needs, may be the same physiological activity as the gasp or sigh the body takes, but when done earlier on and with the intention to prepare, the meaning we infuse that physiology with provides not only a different experience but creates a different and better result.

When we breathe early and breathe with intention, we are expanding our capacity to hold energy.

By energy, more pragmatically speaking, I mean when we breathe deeply on purpose and in advance, we are preparing our nervous system to hold more of the complexities and responsibilities in our mind at once.?

When we breathe deeply as preparation, we are ready to dive deep into conversations with a lot of emotional energy in them.

When we surface for a new breath before we are out of the air, then we can return to the depths of a conversation without ever having to gasp for breath.?

The fact of a Pure Creator's life is that they go through stages of increasing complexity and simplification. This is how the evolution of both your world and your being works.

Many people don't grow past a certain point because they want to 'keep it simple'.

What they don't realize is that there is a higher-order simplicity available beyond the increased complexity they are confronted with.

To make it through this forest of complexity into the simple fields beyond, one may be served to have a few tools and mentorship.?

Breathing deeply, frequently and intentionally as you take each step of this journey is one of the best tools you can carry. Each expansive breath expands your capacity to hold complexity.?

Being in regular dialogue with others who have walked, or are walking, similar paths can provide transcendent perspectives that give you greater choice and power.?

Having a circle of peers championing you in your journey, combined with your intentional breath, will put you on an exponential trajectory of growth both inwardly and materially.?

Time and time again, members of?Creator’s Circle?go on and on about how different their life is in ways they couldn't have imagined less than a year ago.?

Since we evolve the Creator’s Circle structure and service every round, Creator’s Circle 10 will be our best circle yet.?

If you are interested to join Darren, me, and 10 other powerful Creators in the journey of a lifetime, please reply to this post expressing your interest so we can talk.

( Darren Farfan and Lindsey Capp are both on vacation this month, so it's just me here until September! ??)

I'll speak with you soon.

Loving you, JPM


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