Stop Intimate Disorders
On 21 October 2022, the first national conference #StopIntimateDisorders was held, an information day on issues concerning pathologies and disorders of the uro-genital system and the discomforts that can be experienced in the life of couples both physically and mentally.
We would like to thank STUDIO MEDICO EGERIA and Novabee partners for organizing this day by inviting guests of great expertise in the field.
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Roberto Bernorio Karina Makarenko Debora Marchiori @Giovanna Testa Nerella Petrini simona colicchia ettore palma Danilo Crapelli Rosa Parrella @Giovanna Testa valentina samarati Francesco Addesa
#StopIntimateDisorders - 21/10/2022
Thank you all for having rendered a service to the community of the highest Medical-Scientific and above all human value