Stop Interviewing and Show Up For YOU
Carol J. Dickerson, Pharm D
Burnout isn’t failure, it’s forced isolation. We can build the infrastructure to bring back every woman who has been muted, misrepresented, cut off from her ability to thrive. #FindingAutismInBurnout #FounderAdvancement
This is a pic of the exact moment in July of 2017 when I realized that this unnamed company, like so many others, had absolutely no intention of filling this position. They had only been flying in “candidates” for a 7-hour day of grueling brain-rape by every single strategic-input member in their company. THAT was the last manufacturer interview for which I “showed up”. (I think the position may even still be posted.). I recall another experience many years ago where the candidates were all required to contact as many payers as you could brag about and bring all their feedback in a .ppt presentation for the company's market access launch strategy. Not really certain that position was ever filled either... but, as we know, it happens all the time when you are experienced in strategic areas of life-cycle management.
I had officially had enough. If you have been unable to find your Zen (or don’t even "show up" for your current) career, I would ask you to do 2 things:
1. Write down your FAVORITE part about your FAVORITE job, current or recent past. What were your tasks that sprang you up every morning because you loved that ownership? (Mine was owning and solving complex situations/problems for an incredibly intelligent rare manufacturer-leader that I respect and admire wholeheartedly.)
2. What do you do better than anyone? What's your niche? (Mine was 23 solid years of experienced researching and networking as a manufacturer in market access and distribution; good or bad, I've never done anything else in all those years.)
Now, take your time to define those 2 things. This part can't be rushed, pressured, panicked. Meditate. Journal. Flip-chart. Draw on your walls. Whatever lets you easily access your inner seed. After months of interviewing, looking in, looking out, my walls full of flipchart-sized post-its, it was finally the discovering of those 2 simple things about ME that led me to my company vision. DO what I love (solving unique problems for rare manufacturers) married to what I do BEST (finding niche solutions by researching and networking vendors and solutions providers).
I’m so excited to soon be announcing Rare Channel Solutions, along with our charter Partners In Rare. It’s going to change many out-dated norms, in and for niche solutions for rare disease manufacturers, and on a very large scale.
Go find your thing, make it manifest from a place of experience, vulnerability, honesty, but most of all, passion.
Then it’s really easy to show up, every day.
Namaste, Sailors.