Stop Hornet and Wasps from Nesting on your Property
There are a lot of places around your home that wasps and hornets would like to nest. They are beneficial to the environment by cutting down on unnecessary bug populations, such as caterpillars, flies and beetle larvae, and many more insects around your home. If you’re worried about them disturbing your outdoor activities here is what you can do. Hose down any shrubs close to your party site, the wasps will think it’s a storm and this will reduce their activity. Remove any rotting fruit from nearby trees as well as the fruit on the ground. Wasps love nesting in sunny areas, so make sure the sunny side of your house has all cracks filled, including in your flashing, eaves and chimney.…on-your-property/ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF