Stop Getting In Your Own Way to Success
Donnie Boivin
(Bo-Veen) ?? Business to Business Network, B2B Networking, Badass Business Summit, Success Champion Networking. ?? Speaker, Networking Trainer, ?? Baby Goat Dad and ??♂?Wizard in Training.
So, if you had to guess, what is standing in your way? First, let me go back a couple of steps. What do you want to be doing monthly in sales twelve months from now? You have a goal, don't you? It is written down, isn't it? And you do have a date by which you want to accomplish it, don't you? So, if you don't, you'll take a little time and write those goals down, as specifically as you can. And you will put a date by which you want to accomplish them.
Now......take a look at where you want to be in twelve months. Take another look at where you are now. What is standing in the way? What do you need to overcome, start doing or stop doing to accomplish those goals? Let's not get confused about lots of hard work or the market or the product. Let's focus on things you have control over -- mostly that is behaviors you can do every day or every week and attitudes and beliefs that guide your actions.
When you take control of your behavior you take control of your destiny. When you own the responsibility for your production, your goal accomplishment, and your achievements, you no longer have anyone else to blame for your lack of achievement. If you have your goals taped to your mirror, as I do, you can see them every morning and every evening. At the same time, you can say hello to the person who is responsible for making them happen!
Read how an Austin, TX business leader broke through his own barriers and increased his average sale by over 800%. Pick up a Free Chapter of Succeed The Sandler Way. You will learn the steps he took and what he learned along the way. We challenge you to try a few yourself and let us know the result.