Stop getting in your own way!
Friday 6/21/19...
Sometimes, you just don't know what to write. Especially on a rainy Friday morning when you want to get the day started because you've got friends coming to visit for the weekend.
But, ya know what? Sometimes it's all just in your head. Because when you just start writing, the words come out. They guide you. They tell you where to go next. They may even inspire you!
Then, all of a sudden, you now have some amazing story to tell! This can happen for any creative, it's just most familiar to us as writers block. Or, in other words, an excuse not to produce.
Because when it comes to writing, that's not the important part anyway. Editing is. A lot of writers will recommend that on the first draft, you just get the words out of your head and onto the paper. No matter how crappy the result. Then, you have something to work with. And you can edit that mess into a masterpiece.
But the only way to get better is by doing. They say practice makes perfect. In fact, that's one of the main reasons I started this journal in the first place. Writing everyday has had a significant impact on my ability to write creatively. So don't get caught up on uncertainties, because the only way to learn is by just getting started.
There's a reason I didn't start publishing these posts until almost a year in. Just because you make it, doesn't mean you have to share it. But you still made it, and most likely you learned something from it. And it made you better! Just a little, but learning is incremental.
For me, Im always my worst critic. I'm always the first to dislike something Ive made. Even if its not bad! It's easy to get in our own heads and convince ourselves otherwise. Self doubt is a crippling disease. So just as with writers block, we convince ourselves we have nothing worth sharing. But this is a lie.
If you're not good, its because you haven't tried yet. If you have nothing to say, its because YOU think your not good enough to. Let the world decide, don't do it for them.
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This is an entry from my personal daily journal. I recently left the 9-5 to work for myself - something I've dreamed of for as long as I can remember. It's my hope that these posts inspire anyone looking to do the same or shed some light on what this journey is really like.
- Check out my first post for more: This is for you (but mostly for me)
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Thanks for reading!
- DM