Have you ever been bullied or faced people with very aggressive controlling and dominating nature?- who just don't bother about the harm, the destruction and the damage they are causing.
You will come across bullies and tormentors -?as your parents, as spouse, as your siblings, as teachers, as your bosses?and then off-course in the ruling-administrative-executive-political cadres.
No list can ever be exhaustive as -?the triggers and the reasons are so many but - most have psychological-base which develops over a long period of time?- and may have its origin in say -?Childhood-teen-adult abuse issues and or Suffocating and oppressive growing-up experiences etc.
Many bullies also fits the DSM-5 diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
In this article you will learn the following
-70 Tips for Dealing with Bullies
-13 Types of bullies, tyrants and control-freaks
-34 tips on what actions to take if you are facing Tyrants
- 9 most fundamental Truths - If you are being bullied
-5 tips for Dealing with cyberbullying
-24 Techniques control-freaks, dominating, oppressive and suppressive people, tyrants and bullies use and why they act the way they do
9 most fundamental Truths - If you are being bullied
- 1.Most of the bullies are?- emotionally-insecure, cowards, jealous, envious, and revengeful under-achievers
- 2.Bullying is real?- many-many kids as well as adults?[even in their late 40s-50s and older] -?may experience bullying?in some form or other
- 3.Denying and avoiding facing facts - will not make?bullying and the bully go away
- 4.If you happen to at the receiving end of -?a dominating or a pushy person or a controlling-bossy maniac or a bully or even a tyrant?- you will experience oppression, suppression, torturous, demeaning and suffocation and even suicidal feelings and emotions.
- 5.It is your personal fight - only you have to all the actions
- 6.No one can help you deal with all aspects of bullying -?always remember Ukraine - entire world is watching and some are also trying to take advantage of the situation by selling?[this is how the situation you might be actually facing]
- 7.Only you have to?create the resolve and learn how to get rid of bullies PLUS your inner-demons
- 8.There are effective ways and tools?[few are given in this article] -?which can help you make the bully frustrated?and move on to another victim
- 9.Having said this -?if you are being bullied by - say hardcore-criminals or people who are connected with political-police nexus or their wards - then you need to use the techniques given in how to deal with tyrants?- even those may not work if your tormentors are ministers and religious-criminals -?in that case you have to only think of all the ways you can keep yourself and your loved-ones safe and protected
13 Types of bullies, tyrants and control-freaks
- 1.People with Low Self-esteem?- their Fragile self-esteem drives to disguise their feelings of inferiority by acting and projecting air of superiority - and their compelling need to Control others is one manifestation of their need to act superior
- 2.Bullies?- Bully's aim to harm the physically and psychologically - through verbal-bullying, social-bullying, physical-bullying and cyber-bullying etc.
- I.Verbal bullying?includes name calling, taunting, rudeness, and threats of violence and harm AND the worst giving silent-treatments.
- II.Social bullying?includes gossiping, ridiculing and mocking as well as trying to embarrass and belittle in front of others.
- III.Physical bullying?includes pushing, hitting, violence and sexual abuse.
- IV.Cyberbullies?- Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation
- V.Passive-aggressive bully?- include toxic gossip, jokes and sarcasm at their victim's expense
- VI.Emotional Bullies?- these are the people - who know how to take advantage of your emotional-vulnerabilities and your shared secrets - they are the classical sadists who gets the thrill when they see you suffer
- VII.Stalkers?- a person who pursues someone obsessively and aggressively to the point of harassment or a man following or contacting a woman, despite clear indication of disinterest by the woman, or monitoring her use of the Internet or electronic communication
- 3.Self-centered Egotists?- They lack empathy for others and their motivation happens when they are only for their own self-interests - they become controlling because only their needs matters
- 4.Narcissists?- they expect to be recognized as superior, even when their accomplishments are ordinary - plus they have a grandiose sense of self-importance - as a result they not only exaggerate their achievements but also fantasize attaining unlimited success, fame, recognition and power. they have a very high sense of entitlement - as they believe they are special and should get admiration - they become controlling because except them nobody's needs matters and hence they exploit others to achieve their own ends
- 5.Psychopaths - these have very unhealthy levels of anti-social disorder - they totally disregard the rights of others and they harm others by planned and focused efforts - they blame others for everything - they are deceitful, aggressive, tough minded, glib, superficial, exploitative, irresponsible, and impulsive - and don't have any remorse for the harm they cause others - but they manage to charm many people to making them their followers
- 6.Tyrants?- Tyrants often appear as strong and effective leaders - initially and that is why so many tyrants attain leadership positions - often the majority makes the most damaging mistake of trusting and granting these tyrants positions of power - as most confuse tyranny with leadership
- 7.MOB-Bullies - these are the people who torment weaker people in groups
9 Reasons Why a Bully bullies
- 1.Some bullies are looking for attention -They might think bullying is a way to be popular or to get what they want.
- 2.Most bullies are trying to make themselves feel more important.
- 3.When they pick on someone else, it can make them feel big and powerful.
- 4.Some bullies come from families where everyone is angry and shouting all the time. They may think that being angry, calling names, and pushing people around is a normal way to act.
- 5.Some bullies are copying what they've seen someone else do
- 6.Some have been bullied themselves.
- 7.Sometimes bullies know that what they're doing or saying hurts other people. But other bullies may not really know how hurtful their actions can be. Most bullies don't understand or care about the feelings of others.
- 8.Bullies often pick on someone they think they can have power over.
- 9.Getting a big reaction out of someone can make bullies feel like they have the power they want. Sometimes bullies pick on someone who is smarter than they are or different from them in some way.
24 Techniques control-freaks, dominating, oppressive and suppressive people, tyrants and bullies use and why they act the way they do
- 1.Basically all these people are coward, with no or negligible education and don't have any achievements - which makes them highly envious of people who are big accomplishers
- 2.They have severe identity crisis - as a result they use and incite the mob-madness to promote their goals
- 3.They feel that controlling people and situations - will help them reduce their anxieties resulting from their perceived vulnerabilities
- 4.They have this mistaken belief that what they control won't make them feel inferior
- 5.They also have very high levels of fear of looking weak by getting their weaknesses exposed - to overcome this they try to control every aspect of the environment and the people in it
- 6.Because they are unsure of themselves - they start micro-managing everything
- 7.Because they know - that they Don't Know -?they show-off by giving explanations and theories and lectures and teachings on every topic on the earth?- which fails miserably [because mostly they have to rely on other's knowledge - and the people they surround themselves with also are uneducated -?so the teleprompter-failure-syndrome happens]
- 8.They also forget what they can change and what is beyond them
- 9.They choose?an ineffective approach to coping with their anxiety - using lies, deceit, false-promises and threats, coercion?etc.
- 10.They deal with most challenges -?by blaming and ignoring and by avoiding?- instead of taking right action
- 11.Tyrants reduce their own fear by removing anyone who poses a threat to them
- 12.They use your fears, anxieties, shame, hate and guilt
- 13.They use tantrums everywhere
- 14.They are Drama-queens - and can get tears or any such emotions?- on demand
- 15.They create an atmosphere of fear and panic
- 16.They are master manipulators and divert your attention by creating smoke screen
- 17.How this behavior develops - Driven by the fear of avoiding getting their weaknesses exposed can result in controlling behavior.
- 18.Control freaks are deathly afraid of looking bad and weak
- 19.Their biggest fear is that they are a weakling and that they are not good?-?makes them control their image at all cost?- which leads them to fabricate lies and then more lies.
- 20.Impatience causes people to seize control in an attempt to speed events along and get more done - but this is a quick-fix which seldom works.
- 21.Their inner-dialogue will be something like this -Your approval is paramount for my self-worth - therefore I must control and humiliate you so you cannot question my vulnerabilities.
- 22.Control freaks may hold the mistaken belief that the person with the most toys or the biggest wardrobe?makes them superior.
- 23.Uncontrollable adverse events often lead to learned helplessness and stress.
- 24.Exerting control prevents learned helplessness, unless you try to control the uncontrollable or change the unchangeable.
70 Tips for Dealing with Bullies - given randomly - for most of the single sentence tip - there are few exhaustive do-it-yourself blog in my both the websites
- 1.Understand what bullying is - Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance
- 2.Bullies may start out with more power because they are physically bigger, stronger or in a position of power and authority
- 3.Bullies also suck the power from their victims - by practicing on many weak persons - so you need to put a stop
- 4.Avoid getting physical - You're more likely to be hurt and get into trouble if you try to fight a bully.
- 5.Build Your Own Strength - Take martial arts lessons -This will boost your confidence, prime your physique and enable you to gain combat or defensive skills
- 6.Learn a few self-defense moves - like hitting the solar plexus (right below the ribs- Then when you get your first chance, run to get to a safe place and call for help
- 7.Create a body language and expression like - don't-mess-with-me aura
- 8.Work out your anger in another way, such as exercising or writing it down
- 9.Practice ways to respond to the bully verbally or through your behavior.
- 10.Practice feeling good about yourself (even if you have to fake it at first)
- 11.Role-play "What If" Scenarios - and various responses
- 12.Adopt a warrior gaze - Look them in the eye with an icy gaze - absolutely a deadpan experience and no smile
- 13.Never reply with a comeback or an insult (that would be stooping to their level
- 14.To disarm them - Ask open ended questions - this might force them to think and may distract their focus
- 15.If you have to listen to them - buy time - by saying something like - I need some time to think about it - and then prepare a well-thought-out strategy.
- 16.Talk about it - seek guidance, help and support from -
- 17.Expressing what you feel is a healthy outlet for your fears and frustrations - and can give you space to think clearly
- 18.Stand up for friends and others you see being bullied - Your actions help the victim feel supported - plus you learn how to deal with bullies of certain types
- 19.Develop right-healthy-practical Coping Mechanisms - you would need many
- 20.Do your best not to show any reaction—just walk away - if you can.
- 21.Understand that no one can talk sense to an irrational person - Walk away with dignity
- 22.Learn to stand up for yourself-?Believe that you have the strength and are stronger than they are
- 23.Bullies tend to pick people who are alone - avoid them in school and social situations
- 24.Change your route - if they can't find you - they can't bully you
This article originally was published as "70 tips dealing effectively with bullies" - for full article please visit https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog/70-tips-dealing-effectively-with-bullies