Stop Floods and Drought!
Jacob David
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It's time for the government to implement a "Water Share" program between all U.S States through special computer monitored Water pipelines that can minimize flooding, save lives, and save billions of $$$$ in property damage, control and eradicate drought conditions, while helping farmers achieve food surplus across the U.S.A #controlfloods
Flood water in one state can be pumped and shared with other states that are facing drought by using computer technology, pump sets, and motors that farmers use to irrigate their fields. The water can be transported through these pipelines to drought-ridden states. Stations along the way can reroute water to any state if all the states were linked by water pipelines.
This would be a one-time investment that would stop the problem of flooding and flood-related damages once and for all.
How can the State Governments make money?
States can levy a yearly "Water-share" tax on farmers and others (for example, Construction contractors) who want to use the rainwater to recoup the costs of pipeline infrastructure, installation, and monitoring costs. This will be similar to paying a toll on certain highways. In the long run, farmers will make profits, have zero flood damage to their crops, and also never face drought, if the water share management program is put to good use.
Do not tell me this is not feasible, or impossible. It is possible if people put their minds to it. It's better than having billions of dollars in damage each year. It is time that the government stopped making excuses. We must come together as a nation and implement flood control.
While people build levees, walls, and barriers to keep the seawater from flooding states like Louisiana, we must start on a 10-year project to link all the States in the U.S.A with water pipelines that can send water to farmers in drought-ridden states.
We can also dig and create deep underground tanks (concrete) that can store rainwater for future use in each state, thereby the water can be used for crop irrigation. Drought would be a thing of the past if water management was implemented.
I am sharing this idea on Linkedin so that this can be shared and save lives and property damages in the future. So far this idea has not been explored and it has not been done. Now it's time we do it so that we can have a surplus of crops, make our farmers happy and successful, eradicate drought forever, stop floods and flood-related damages once and for all.
Title Photo Credit: Wikipedia: US Navy 111022-N-WW409-445 An SH-60F Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 14, flies around the Bangkok area. This situation is similar to the United States when it undergoes floods in many states.