Losing it - in a inner change process
Jose Manuel Redondo Lopera, MBA
Helping teams to work together, make better decisions, and solve problems faster with less conflict, more engagement, more cost efficient and with real commitment.
As I wrote earlier, a transition process comprises three zones, each with its own characteristics: Stop, Adjust and Start.
In the Stop zone, a significant change has begun to influence us mentally. The change may already be in progress, it may be imminent, or we may simply have a hunch that a change is on its way.
In any circumstance, the conception of a change is occupying our consciousness and the transition has begun.
We experience unclarity at the beginning of a transition process when we must part with something familiar as a consequence of the change. It could involve something we used to do or think; people we were accustomed to working with or tasks we were accustomed to performing.
At the same time as we must part with something familiar, we must also think about what we imagine the future will bring. Something new will replace what we are parting with. This could be the case, for example, when we are obliged to develop a new work routine, become accustomed to a new manager or begin a new job.
In the Stop zone, we must relate to the new everyday situation that we already have an idea of. But it is important to remember that it is only an idea at this stage and that this idea still lacks the nuances that actual experience and more thorough consideration can add to it. So far, we can only make a vague guess about what is in store for us so we are subject to mental unclarity in this zone.
If this unclarity is experienced as a difficulty, it may help to know that this is perfectly normal and that it will only last for a limited period of time. Exactly how long it will last, however, depends on the nature of the change and on the person undergoing the transition.
It may be possible to get through it without any help at all, with the help of a talk with one’s manager or through a workshop which focuses on handling the new situation at the workplace. In other cases, it may take several months to get through. This depends, among other things, on the effort we make ourselves and on how goal-directed and structured we are in working with our transition process.
Experiencing loss and gain
We experience unclarity because the world we are familiar with changes. The firm ground beneath our feet is no longer so firm. At the same time, we make a split-second, often unconscious, assessment of loss and gain.
An assessment of loss and gain is based on the significance of what we are parting with and on our expectations for the future. We spontaneously assess the situation as positive or negative.
We may be looking forward to the new responsibilities or the greater influence we will have in connection with new tasks. There may also be the prospect of new, exciting career opportunities connected with the change we are facing. Or perhaps we are looking forward to the new cooperative relationships that the change will bring with it.
A change may have many exciting perspectives, and we may be able to see some of them at once. On the other hand, we could find it difficult to part with what is familiar or feel that the future is unpredictable. It is quite natural to experience a feeling of sadness at losing a cooperative partner or an exciting task.
Our assessment of whether we stand to lose or gain from a given change is spontaneous and often categorical even though most changes offer elements of both
We assess all of the different effects that the change will have on our working lives. If losses are most prominent, the gains may tend to slip into the background. If gains have most weight, they will push the losses into second place. So even though we should perhaps end up more or less in the middle of the continuum between loss and gain based on an objective analysis of the effects, our conclusions tend to be more extreme, and we risk overlooking the factors that could balance the experience.
It might appear easier to manage a desired change of jobs than one we do not initially desire, and even though this may typically be the case, the transitions that originate in desired changes could well mean that we overlook the losses that the situation entails. For example, we may neglect to think about what tasks and working relations we actually lose when we accept a promotion.
No matter how pleased we might be about a new position, there will typically be aspects of the old position that were particularly pleasing, and it would be a benefit to part with these aspects properly.
If we find it difficult to see the opportunities and benefits of the change we are faced with, this may be because the change actually takes something that we liked away from us – without offering a satisfactory alternative. However, it might also be because we are not as yet aware of the advantages the new situation will bring about.
Alone or together with others
There will often be an important difference between being alone with a change and being a member of a group that is experiencing the same change. Being part of a group and being able to share the transition experience with others who are in the same boat makes the process easier to manage.
This is not to say that it is impossible to manage the changes we are faced with alone; it simply makes it more necessary to actively seek out the opportunities for sparring and conversation that we need.
Thoughts, feelings an behaviour
When we find ourselves in the Stop zone, it comes to expression in our thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
If we feel that the situation is negative, as though it will primarily be a loss, it can lead to thoughts such as, “If only such a decision had never been made” or “What a pity.”
Feelings of disappointment, powerlessness or anger could underlie these thoughts. Such feelings can make us uncommunicative and withdrawn or prompt us to take a negative view of the change and of the people we feel are responsible for it.
If, on the other hand, we feel that the situation offers us benefits, we may be filled with positive thoughts such as, “This is a great development” or “That sounds exciting.”
Such thoughts are a consequence of a positive view of the situation. We have the impression that we have something to gain from the change, and feelings of pleasure, hope and enthusiasm underlie our positive thoughts.
This leads to behaviour such as expressing a positive attitude to the change, playing an active role in the change process, creating solutions and coming up with constructive and progressive suggestions.
People differ when it comes to how rapidly they can understand the extent of a change. People also differ with regard to how rapidly they can prepare for and accept moving from the familiar to something new which is either wholly or partly unfamiliar.
Irrespective of who we are, we all will move on at some stage. It is a natural aspect of the course of a transition that we will be ready to move from the Stop zone to the Adjustment zone at some point. This development typically comprises a number of small steps, which some people take extremely rapidly and others, only very slowly.
In the next blog in the serie "Transitions - in connection to job-related changes", I will take a closer look at the first transition zone: Adjust.
Stay tuned until next week.
In the meantime, if your are a manager, are curious about transitions and want to know more about how to tackle transitions in your organization, learn more about us AS3 here: www.as3companies.com
AS3 is a Nordic-based consultancy firm undertaking Job Transition Management. With over 25 years of experience supporting people and organisations through job-related changes and transitions, we are making a difference in the Nordic business world and for the 30,000 people we provide with counselling each year in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.
Do you live in Norway and want to hear more about how we AS3 can help you and your organization in dealing with change? Contact me: [email protected]
José Manuel Redondo Lopera - Business Developer and Transition Coach.
Helping business and entrepreneurs managing change and building their brand so they achieve their goals.