Stop Finding Your Passion
Scott Couchenour
I help leaders transition without regrets ?? 4th Quarter Coach, experienced COO/CEO, strategist, keynote speaker, author, coffee connoisseur
(Thanks for reading the newsletter. I am a personal coach to powerful leaders - dedicated to helping you finish strong in your professional and personal life. If you are ready to have a conversation about your personal strategy, CLICK TO SET UP A CALL.)
Instead of trying to find your passion, do this instead...
You founded a successful business. You have a team of dedicated employees who have become like family.
Now you're entering a new stage of life where you'd like to do some different things like traveling, spending time with grandchildren, or taking care of your aging parents.
Your End Game
This is known as your "end game" -- and don't think of it morbidly. Think of it like a renewed sense of purpose after years of building your business.
When you seek some guidance on creating your end game, you may hear some people say "find your passion", or "do what you love".
UGH! Are you kidding me?!
I agree with Simon Sinek who proposes another perspective when making grand plans:
The question is not to find your passion, the questions to be asking are:
What kind of world do you want to live in that aligns with the answer to those questions. And then push yourself in those directions.
Let's grab a cup of coffee and chat about those questions. I'm offering you, the subscriber to this newsletter, an exclusive co-creative conversation around these questions - no expectation nor obligation that you would ever hire me as your coach.
Why offer this? Two reasons.