Stop, Drop & Role To Eliminate Experts Overwhelm Syndrome
JD WildFlower
"The Billion Dollar Brand Builder" + TV Host: I Help Experts & Entertainers Build Global Celebrity Thought Leader Empires & Ultra-High-End 25k-100k+ Programs & Scale | Celebrity Burnout Mentor | EDM Vocalist
You might be experiencing Experts Overwhelm Syndrome If any of the following are true for you....
So What's The Answer?
Stop, Drop & Role To Eliminate Experts Overwhelm Syndrome
How do you Think and Work Smarter, Not Harder plus get your message out to the world AND get clients?
That's what I call a 4-week conversation and that's what we do in my new High-Ticket Destiny Clients & Stages Activator.
The Activator is all about helping you put your best foot forward out into the world so that your destiny clients and stages know that you are the right expert for them or that your products are the right products for them.
We have openings for 4 Coaches, Speakers, Experts or Entertainers to be case studies in our High-Ticket Clients & Stages Activator and be a Featured Expert on Global Thought Leaders TODAY TV Show and promote them to our audience of over 100,000 people.
For being a case study, you will receive $8K off our Silver Package. This Done-for-you and Done-with-you package is normally $10,000 for the next 4 people, packages start $2,000. Plus, we have flex-payment plans too.
Plus, you'll get personalized help from J.D. WildFlower, "The Celebrity Empire Builder" who has a client list that includes Academy and Grammy winners, New York Times best-selling authors in over 50 other brands including Samsung, Dish Network and CenturyLink.
Are you ready to share your inspiration with the world?
We are having quick 15 minute phone calls to see if it's a fit, today and tomorrow.
These spots will feel quickly.
If you are accepted to be part of our invitation only High-Vibe Business Tribe, you will be part of a revolution of inspiration to help the world be a better place for our kids and future generations to live in.
This is an invitation-only program and we are having quick 15 minute calls today and tomorrow with people to see if it's a fit.
If you are curious to see if you are a fit for what we're looking for and would like to explore if the Activator is right for you and get personalized help to Activate your Star Power business to Attract Your High-Ticket Destiny Clients & Stages, reach out in one of the following ways:
We are looking to solidify our next 2 members within the day,?because we're getting promotional graphics finalized for our upcoming promotional cycle and we are going to be including our new members in our promotions that go out to our audience of over 100k People.
In the High-Ticket Clients & Stages 4 Week Activator.....
Learn how to go from Best-Kept-Secret to Industry Star by creating an Authentic Celebrity-Style Monetized Personal Brand that helps you attract Clients, Credibility & Media Features so that you can become a Globally Recognized Celebrity Thought Leader as a coach, consultant, author, expert, or entrepreneur
.... and most importantly, to help drive more sales.
People ask me all the time "what's the point, isn't personal branding just about fonts, logos and website colors?
Personal Branding is anything and EVERYTHING that represents you as a person or a professional that includes the VIBE that you put out into the world. If you're branding is inconsistent, incongruent or vague - or if it is overly generalized (think "Life Coach" = WAY to general for this day and age to actually work) there will be a "Cog" in your Business Machine that is broken.
So.... Personal Branding includes pretty much everything under the sun, moon and stars that represents who you are - AND most importantly - who you are to your Ideal Clients.
You see, most people think that Personal Branding is all about them, but it's not.
In order for Personal Branding to be effective in bringing you clients or customers like clockwork, you must have authority positioning that let's them know 'who you are to THEM'.
Most entrepreneurs have this backward.
Most Entrepreneurs think that it's all about them, but in reality, an Effective Personal Brand (in our case, what I call a StarPowered Brand) is all about who YOU are to your ideal CLIENTS.
Because until your Personal Branding effectively communicates with clarity, congruency, and ease,?who you are to your ideal clients and how you help them, you'll have a problem in creating conversions...
Or in layperson terms, you won't get as many YESES if you're Personal Branding is off.
This is why my A-List Clients have been hiring me as their Personal Creative Director & Business Mentor for over 25 years, because I pay attention to the things that you can do to create "Intentional Attention", which creates more Yeses!
Anyone can get attention...?especially in this day and age, by being flashy, shocking, over-the-top outrageous or by simply having a large following and a ton of social media engagement.
Even though I have a Flowery name, I'm actually quite grounded, and balanced and appreciate elegance and the finer things in life - and I'm not into the over-the-top for the sake of it marketing.
Intentional Attention doesn't have to be flashy, cheesy, salesy or shocking...
A StarPowered Brand is where?you unveil your own unique authentic self?and convey your values, and beliefs and I'm helping professionals do just that - and learn how to attract clients like clockwork in my 4 week Star Power Activator.
Star Power Activator is an invitation-only program and we are having quick 15 minute calls with people to see if it's a fit.
We are scheduling calls today between 3:30-10pm Central or Tomorrow between 3:30-10pm Central US Time.
If you are curious to see if you are a fit for what we're looking for and would like to explore if the Activator is right for you and get personalized help to Activate your Star Power business to Attract Your High-Ticket Destiny Clients & Stages, reach out in one of the following ways:
Cheers, J.D.