Stop doubting yourself, WORK HARD, and Make it Happen -Hard Work always wins
Vikrant J.
Experienced CRM Leader with expertise in CRM Software, Marketing Campaigns and Contact Centers
The hardest work in the room is always going to beat the talented guy. Who doesn't work hard. In the end maybe not every time. But In the end Hard Work always wins.
Talent doesn't guarantee you anything in this world. The good education doesn't guarantee you Anything in this world.
The world is riddled With smart people. Who have never achieved anything of significance.
This world is full of talented individuals. That never made it. The world is full of expensively educated kinds that are out performed by High School dropouts.
Talent wont get you anywhere. If you don't work for it.
Talent wont get you anywhere. If you have no heart! Talent is Nothing. If you have no Guts !
The one Who is Hungrier. To reach the top.
Will Always Get there before the talented guy. Maybe not immediately. But in the end Hungry always wins.
In the end Hard Work always wins.
In the end heart wins. Courage always wins .
In the end the one who is more dedicated to reach the top will win.
How can you beat the guy. Who. Will do whatever it takes.
You can't. Hard works always beat the talent. When talent thinks he is too good to work hard.
Talent. Can Be a blessing. But it can also be a curse. It can make you think you don't need to work as hard as the other guy. And that is a mistake my friend. Because the other Guy is hungry. Ready for a fight. Fight for Everything. Fight for family. Fight for legacy. Fight for everything.
While u rest I'll work.
While you rest I'll play.
While you rest I'll Visualize.
While you rest I'll believe.
While you rest I'll strike I'll not stop, I'll not rest, I'll find a way.
If there is no way. I will make my own path. Because your talent. Doesn't scare me. It drives me. Hard work. Never lies.
My dream. Never Dies.
Most people give up in life. Because they come with all sorts of excuses. Why they can't make it.
They didn't get right education..
They aren't as talented as other guys..
They don't have the money..
Listen: Excuses are for the weak. It wouldn't take you long to find massive success story.
Who came from little education.
No talent but a relentless desire to succeed.
This world is full of stories of GREATNESS for nothing.
It is never too late for you to start your own story. Every setback.
Every failure has formed. Part of your story.
Don't let. Anything stop you from writing. The rest of it.
You are hungry. You will make it. Don't back down. Win it at all costs.