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Spotlighting women and underrepresented voices to create a more inclusive media. #RethinkTheNews
?? We’re thrilled to introduce our brand new LinkedIn newsletter: Women making headlines.
?? Each week we'll curate a selection of uplifting news stories from around the world — by women, about women, and for everyone — and deliver them to you every Sunday via this neat little bulletin.
Why are we doing this? Because only 25% of news stories globally are about women. And when they are, they frequently portray women as a wife/mother/daughter or the victims of a crime.
Negative stories often dominate our newsfeeds (thanks algorithms!), so it's easy to feel it's all doom out there. But good things are still happening, and that's why we believe it's important to highlight positive news and people's achievements, in their neighbourhoods, towns and beyond.
Start joyscrolling here...
This Moroccan feminist musical tells the story of a ‘chikhate’
‘Chikhates’ - traditional Moroccan singers - are the subject of Everybody Loves Touda, a feminist musical that showed recently at the Marrakech International Film Festival. “The chikhates are strong women who need someone to tell their stories,” explained lead actress Nisrin Erradi. There is more about the film at Africa News.
Sojourner Truth Day is now an annual holiday in the state of New York
The state of New York has enshrined Sojourner Truth Day as an official annual holiday on November 26, honouring the legacy of the African American abolitionist and women’s rights activist. Truth was born Isabella Bomfree?in Dutch-speaking Ulster County, New York in 1797. Born into slavery, she became an outspoken advocate for civil and women’s rights in the nineteenth century, and would help many?enslaved?people escape to freedom, find jobs and build new lives.
The designer turning headscarves into art
Iranian-Australian designer Nila Rezaei has turned hundreds of unwanted headscarves from all over the world into colourful sports stadium seats in Australia. The Crafted Liberation project is the artist’s form of protest against Iran's mandatory hijab rules. Read more about the project at SBS Persian.
Iceland ranks as most gender-equal country
Iceland has been ranked as the most gender-equal country in the world by Forbes. The ranking looked at various data sets including the Global Gender Gap report, according to which it is the only country to have closed more than 90% of its gender gap. It also scored highly for its generous maternity leave allowance (13 weeks paid at 80%). Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden follow Iceland on the list.
The activist raising awareness of FGM in her community
Mariame Dabo is a survivor of female genital mutilation (FGM) from Senegal who now works in her community to raise awareness of the harmful practice and of gender-based violence. She does home visits where she talks to men and boys as well as women. “That’s the way to go about it: reach out to people, talk to them and explain the consequences,” she says. Amnesty International have a profile on her here.
China’s women-only spaces
China Daily reports on a wave of women-only businesses in China that are empowering women and fostering community. Among these is Second, a bar in Beijing that hosts feminist film screenings and discussions, and offers customers free menstrual hygiene products.
The latest from NADJA Media
Fabulous initiative NADJA Media, what a great proactive, constructive step to counter the backlash, enable women to be seen and heard, and show that this is about everyone. #WhoMakesTheNews #WomenInMedia