Stop the Distractions
Michelle Skaff - Life Architect
Wealthpreneur | Nutrigenomics SME | Global Entrepreneur | Prosperity Mentor | Sales & Marketing | Equine Mentor
5 Ways to Stay Focused
Focus is everything yet we live in a world that is constantly fighting to grab our attention, it is almost impossible to stay focused on the things that truly drive our life forward. The older I get the harder it is to stay focused, which is why I have found 5 hacks to slay my day and keep my focus and calm.
- Set up your day the night before.
If I don't start here, my day starts running off the tracks before I even get up. Our phones grab us, family, friends, co-workers, or computers start pulling for our attention. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. This doesn’t just apply to big life goals. Every single day needs a plan – and that plan should happen the night before the day actually starts. Carve out 10-15 minutes of your evening in undistracted solitude. Take a look at your calendar, master task list, and determine the top 2-3 things you want to accomplish the following day. I tend to fill my calendar with 20 items and beating my self up for what I didn't do instead of what I did.
- Do the most difficult thing first.
Usually what serves us best is the hardest to do which is why I do my numero uno first. The hardest thing to do is the one I get done. Everything after that seems easier. Dive into the big project challenger. Write that blog post first or create your content for the week on Monday so It's done for the following week. Get the most important thing done first. If you did this every day, your five most important projects completed is a huge win for the week!
- Keep the main thing the main thing
If you find yourself taking a detour into TikTok land, scrolling social media, don’t worry. It happens to all of us. Take a breath and get back to focus squarely on important tasks.
What are you here for? What is the impact you want to make in the world?
- Turn off your notifications.
This is a big one for me. I am like a squirrel finding another acorn if I don't turn off my phone, notifications, messages bombarding me. When I am focused on getting what's important done, I turn off everything as if I'm in a meeting with someone important. I wouldn't pick up my phone or lose my focus. Block the time. which is your attention, and get the task done. Give yourself a hall pass to scroll when your time is up and task are done.
- Stop Multitasking
My husband calls me urban sprawl for a reason. I multi-task like crazy and never get anything done. My excuse is being a mom and always being pulled away to help someone who's life is more important than mine. But I have learned that multi-tasking steals my joy and am committed to never sacrificing me away....
Our brains are wired to focus on and complete one task at a time, so let’s help it. I know it's easier said then done but have learned to set the intention and do my best.
Beating ourselves up at the end of the day is not helping anyone, especially ourselves. Simplify, give yourself less to do and thank yourself more.
You are the architect of your life. Make a plan, stay focused and build the life you love.