STOP! December is here again.
Claudia (Jinich) Aronowitz
Personal Development and Leadership Coach | Communication and Conflict Coach | Speaker | Writer
It is hard to believe that it is December already and we are almost through another year. At the same time, it has been a long and difficult year for many of us.?
As I raked thousands of leaves from my garden this past weekend I had to accept that winter has arrived. It reminded me that time doesn’t stop and that our lives are constantly changing.?
I am often trying to inspire you to stop and reflect, even if it is only for a few moments. It seems every December I share a similar reminder:
Stop and breathe.
Stop and reflect.
Stop and ask yourself some important questions during this busy month of holiday planning and goal setting.??
Part of reflecting is asking yourself what 2024 will bring.
What do you want for yourself and for others in 2024?
Even more importantly, who do you want to be in 2024??
It is important to reflect, ask questions and learn from what was in 2023.?
Reflection is how we learn and grow.??
I invite you to sit down with a coffee, go for a walk with some music, take a bath or find another way that works for you to stop and reflect. Ask yourself:?
You might have short reflections and that is fine. Whatever comes up is good. You can also go deeper and ask more questions if it feels right to you.?
Stopping and reflecting is how we grow
I know for myself this has been a year of deep personal reflection, and I will share some of what I have learned in posts to come.?
It is also important to reflect on who you want to be in the coming year.?Try to answer the following questions:?
How do you want to connect and be part of your community, your work and/or the world around you?
Life moves quickly and we can’t stop time.What we can stop is ourselves.We can stop to reflect and to learn from our experiences as we continue moving forward.
If you found these questions hard to answer on your own or if you have been wondering what it would be like to work with me as your coach, follow this link?and book a time for us to talk.
Instead of buying yourself material presents this year, perhaps you should give yourself the gift of having a coach by your side.
Thank you for being a part of my community. Thank you for letting me share my knowledge with you throughout the year.
May 2024 bring health and peace for all.?
For more reflection here are links to some of my favourite posts: